Do jars have to be airtight for curing?

This seems high. I buy ten count usually. Size 8 not the huge ones.

7/12 are okay and match an older one I have - oh well. $20 total.


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Don’t bet the farm on the Therm-Pro. Had the same and it is not real accurate for me.

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There are different sizes of Boveda 62% on Amazon? Size 2, size 8, size 67 and size 320. Hmm.

I always for for size 8. The link I added is available and $14.25 ($1.43 each). Since I dry down to under 62% a single pack should cover up to 2 quart jar. I have kept sealed in jar with Boveda for more than 1 1/2 years and it is awesome. You will lose potency keeping around this long, but smooth as silk!!!

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I wouldn’t have gotten a result this well without ILGM with this grow. Too much conflicting info online, only a message board can give you a good consensus from expert growers. It’s awesome!!! :sunglasses:

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I use quart and 1/2 gallon mason jars. And yes the occasional pickle jar. If I do use a pickle jar I put a piece of plastic wrap over the top of the jar. I think it seals better than not doing it.
I also use grove bags. I like the 1/4 pound size.
These cheap hygrometers are better than other cheap ones I have bought. I line them all up, and let them sit for a day. If one or two are more than a couple percent off from the rest I toss it.


I use 64oz Mason Jars. Makes my life easier. Burping is a lot easier with the big jars.


Agree. I’ve been bailed out many times by the good folks here. Plus they run a great operation. Only seeds from ILGM that failed was because I killed them by accident!! (Pro tip- “par take after you do your chores!!”)


i had a few that were way off and got rid of them

So you like the Ink Bird similar type one better? It’s pretty much the same price.

I was also thinking about this Inkbird, I’d like to have a graph I can reference for the next grow.

Not necessarily. Like RH, I am ok with a temp being a bit off. The Therm-Pro I had did ok for a good while, and then got way off. Might have been just the particular one I bought.
I looked at the wireless sensor that goes to phone too, but in the end decided old school Inside/Outside with remote monitor was cheap and accurate enough.
It is so very easy to want to buy the best of everything, but it is better to not over buy obviously. For example, I have an Apera PC-60 for PH and PPM. It is more, but worth it. On the other hand the PH20 is cheaper and very accurate for PH.
Good meters are worth it to me.


I cure in 2 gallon plastic jars for large same strain harvest. 1 gallon and down for smaller harvest. Once cured thats a month at least could be two. I store all in vacuum sealed half pint wide mouth jars. Lid heated before vacuum seal.

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Got distracted I try to cure as airtight as possible.
No hydrometer just thats how I like it and vac seal.
Have used hydrometer but don’t know why still went by feel.

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I’m going to get this thing for the next grow - to turn on and off the A/C/ space heater and humidifier/dehumidifier based on the canopy top since I’ll do a SCROG again - the humidifier turns itself off and on based on where it’s sitting on the floor so the range is all over the place.

This is your fault by the way… :grinning:


I have this and have not used it. I screw up my timer, so i sure don’t want to mess with this. I will wait for my son to program this.

Thanks! I threw out 3 of 12. Putting new batteries in 2 of the bad ones fixed their numbers, don’t know why. I ordered your suggestion.

I think I’ll try small mason jars with the Boveda 59% packs, and the Grove bags to compare. I’ve been saving up pickle jars for months lol. Maybe I’ll try one.

Close only counts in Horseshoes, Hand grenades, and Atom Bombs (or cure jars).
Whatever the number, a second device provides protection, too.
Jar sealing is more important. Good seals are critical.

I thought the “thrift store” jar would seal. Not after 5 months, 45%.
Added two pre-seasoned" 62% Bovedas (Ounce doers) and will see if they correct the low RH in the new jar.

I use Mason jars for long term storage in a cool dark locker. I also use a Bovida pack in each qt jar. (2 for 2 qt jars)

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