Do I have to top my plants if I LST?

These look perfect for now the funs about to begin

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When i get legal to grow outside, ill go this big :rofl::rofl:


You and me both brother… Pa. just put in a bill to supreme court( or whatever) to get it signed for recreational use. If that passes, only those who possess a Med card will be allowed to grow 5 plants… thatll work for me. 5 outside and a few inside…lol… i always liked to live dangerously.

They’re all tapped together. I dont want to mess with them. Trust me, they snapped in half and hung there swinging until i got the duct tape around them. I had a few split open on the sides also, while i was pinching and rolling them to get them pliable enough to bend into the clips…

I guess just keep doing it :person_shrugging: but iv had them hang and wilt then 3 days later these end up being the bad assess and make my fingers look small i guess thats the difference, i dont care if i lose a top or two where one falls 4 more take its place

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Exactly, you know how many times i would bust a branch off one of my tomato plants by accident and a week later i cant even find the spot where it was and i got 3 more new branches puting out some new blossoms… no worries here, its just a bummer breaking them by accident…