Low humid in the tent about 45 but temps been picking up and it’s been in the 80s insides the tent not seeing any heat stress but the moment I used flawless finish for flush the next day I had these tannish spots on the sugar leaves. One week till harvest for the 1.5 gal pots should I chop early to save?
I don’t see any sign of rot yet, but when I think I have rot I take a pair of tweezers and grab a sugar leaf a simple tug not hard and if pulls out easy look at where it was attached you will know.
I appreciate the tip lights will be on in 20 min. What do you think would cause the tips on sugar leaf to turn that color just putting off color from flush?
Age maybe, rot starts in the bud not tips of leaves, I am newish to growing, my 3 rd outdoor and 2nd indoor going so I am not that versed in plant issues but I have dealt with my share of rot.
Pic of whole plant will help others also! Tag a few in the know!
@kaptain3d @OGIncognito @Dman1969 @Dforce like this
Burnt tips at any point in the grow are not uncommon at all. Towards the end, they are more common as the plant begins cosuming more and more. It could be from the flush. It could be that they are just finishing up. One week out from harvest, just keep an eye on her. Like @Bentstick said you can open a bud up, if it’s brownish, or has webbing inside of it, that’s rot or mold. I think you’re in the clear, though.
That bud looks perfectly normal and healthy to me…
Absolutely nothing wrong that I can see.
I’m with the others
Looking delicious!
Thank you everyone I appreciate the help this is my first grow so trying to not mess it up this far in
Kinda hard to kill a weed some do succed. Dont dote on them to much and you will be fine feed when needed, and let them do what they do…
Nice frosty bud , I see no rot.
From what I see everything looks fine.But be vigilant and keep an eye on it.I honestly think you’ll make the finish line.
Great job well done.
I made it to the finish line Indeed. I think I had a case of built up salts and when I flushed it wasn’t enough initially so it sucked up the rest of the nutes so note to self soak the living hell out of it