Does this look like naners? She’s been in flower for 2 weeks now and no sign of anything except these big yellow “pistol” looking naners?
hereNot seeing anything that concerns me.
Ok good I was scared seeing no sex yet and then seeing this little nanner thing next question I took her out and put her in my veg tent due to being scared of possible pollinating have I wrecked her flower cycle? Or should I stick her back to flower been only one night
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If you want her to flower
I would. If you’re not sure of sex yet, just keep an wye on it, and if you’re not sure, feel free to post again.
Thank you soooo much for the help I feel much better man life saver this morning!!! I’ll be back with updates
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Just watch for this
ROFLMAO… that’s awesome.
I cant take credit on it. I snatched it somewhere, probably here!
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