Anyone have rain pour onto flowering ladies?
Yup. Now I’m worried about mold in by buds. They were looking good. Now everything seems to be at a standstill. Got a couple more weeks till harvest. Guess I’ll wait it out and see how it goes. Getting sunshine now. But still very humid…
Rains have stopped. Plants look like they have been washed. Warm weather is coming for the next week or so til harvest. The rain only busted one branch. Too heavy with buds. Hope the winds and a little shaking gets the moisture out.
I hope so too. Im gonna harvest this bunch and see if I can get another batch. Its so damn hot here, my buds are real airy. So hopefully when it starts cooling off here, my girls will make better buds. Might be wishful thinking, but I’m gonna try it.
Yep, rained last night and rainy some today. Where I am the wind always blows after a storm and our usual humidity is around 12%.
Thats nice weather. Houston Texas humidity is killer. As of right now, 91° and abouve 60% humidity. Only time humidity is down is in the winter and even then its bad.
Good old technology. Hey it works! The ladies be drying out after a fall shower. They smell wonderful too!
I’m not too heart broken…growing some bag seed. I got the girls to grow but not impressed with bud size or density. Its hotter than hell here now so I know they’ll dry. I gotta get some better seeds so I can make my effort worth while
We had lots of rain here. Had major mold issues yesterday and today with larger colas.
Too much rain here! Late flower, buds dense as can be and I’ve been cutting away patches of mold all week. Found 3 more small spot tonight. Chopping it down Saturday.
Nothing but rain rain rain and 80-90% humidity here. I’m losing a cola or 2 each day to boytritis. They just have to make it until weds.
No likey. Been a heck of a year for outdoor growers. Just brutal. I lost 3 beautiful auto’s in late July after weeks of 98-103 degree days with high high RH. They never stood a chance though I did make hash from what was salvaged from two of them. Good luck getting to home plate!!!
Most difficult grow season I’ve encountered. It’s a shame to lose so much great bud to mold. Months of work just to throw it away one cola at a time.
Quite a few mold spots and those damn caterpillars still, just have to get to the 13th for harvest. This top dried off fast. No moisure seeped inside which is amazing, the trichomes made the water bubble up and protected inside of flowers.
Nice looking lady. Very robust. Sad about the rains came so soon.
Took 1 of my five gals tuesday after a night of pouring rain
just to make sure i got somthin.
praying til Wensday