Defoliation situation

Here is my situation. First grow, a lot of mistakes lol :joy:. I definitely stunted them a couple of times thru ignorance. That being said they are still alive! Two things I clearly see I should have done differently is more aggressive LST as well as more frequently. The second is considering my grow space, specifically my height. Being new I was a bit too cautious in bending etc. At this stage most of my stems are fairly sturdy where I’d want to do more LST and my plants are all at least a foot tall. I feel like I need to flower soon or they may get too high for my space available. I have done next to no defoliation aside from removing nute burnt leaves. So now most of my girls are bushy, probably too bushy. My questions are…

  1. When defoliating, should I remove all of the lowest fan leaves (especially where there are no bud sites)?
  2. Should I remove any of the larger leaves towards the top that are blocking bud sites? Is there any do’s or dont’s as far as which leaves are ok to remove as it relates to the fan leaves attached to the bud sites?
  3. Is there a time period I should allow after defoliating before I switch them to flowering for the girls to recover or avoid more stress?
  4. Would it be a big mistake to flower these ladies in the next week? 3/4 are showing Pistils already.

Skywalker 1, topped 16" tall, maybe 1 1/2 ft wide

Black widow fimmed 13" tall, 1 ft wide

Skywalker 2, topped 15 in tall, 1 1/2 ft wide

Bruce Banner untouched but multiple issues since birth. Chose not to top or fim since it has always been…off. Regardless of more or less water it’s always been droopy. 17" tall, 1 ft wide almost. Fewest bud sites. Not expecting much.

I also know flowering them now is not going to be my best yield results but at this point I want to salvage what I can and apply what I’ve learned to my next grow.

I’d throw her into flower with no defoliation for right now. Those are little solar panels and if you remove them your plant needs to recover. Try defoliation at the end of week 2 flower or in week 3. This was u can see all the bud sites and what ones are good or not.

@iGrowBud by “not good”, what does that mean exactly? Is that just the small inner sites that probably won’t receive much light? Sorry if that’s a stupid question lol. Other than the accumulation of budding, is there anything else I should be looking at to determine if they are good or bad?

The not good bud sites will be under ur canopy and very small. You will be able to tell.

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