Thank you guys um the reason I asked is because I don’t decarb at all when making my coconut oil and cocoa butter and it works great for the pain and so on ,
Coconut oil I make brownes and have my dose in blocks or I make chocolate with the cocoa butter and that works faster and more sustainable pain relief and very functional high that it gives off ,
I used a double boiler technique melted 100g of cocoa butter then added 3-4g of ground up bud ( super fine) and let that go for a good two hours and then let it cool down for about half hour then put back on the boiler to make the chocolate ( you can strainthe access off but I like the taste)
I have a busy day tomorrow, with going into hospital on Tuesday(Monday 4most of you)I will be making my canna caps to take in with me ,picked up a box of 000 caps from chemist, so will start decarbonization, in morning.
15 minutes left of decabing, then final time through grinder and then spend the night filling caps,fun night ahead
@willd can I get a rough idea of how many 000caps I should try first up , and good morning to everyone ,
If you tamp them good and full, 2 will do the trick for 6-8 hours and really diminishes any cravings to smoke or vape.
Good Luck and speedy recovery @coltfire
Thank you @Willd
@bob31 I made some gifts at Christmas, one of which was a balm with lavender oil to prevent cracking of pet paw pads from salt and sand and snow. I imagine you could do something similar and add the cannabis. Loran Oils website (didn’t post as I wasn’t sure it was ok) has some great lotion and soap and bath fizz recipes you should look at. Maybe you can adjust the recipe and add cannabis or cannabis oil to it. For instance one of the recipes calls for almond oil. I bet you could infuse the almond oil with cannabis prior to making the recipe and get it in that way.
Thank you for those tips @AnneBonny I will certainly look into that.
The Lorain website are they the same folks that make the flavorings?
Converted my canna coconut oil to canna-caps this afternoon. I love the versatility of the coconut oil. Last year I made batches of butter and coconut oil from my harvest and put them in the freezer so they wouldn’t go bad. I found molds in the shape of sticks of butter on amazon and then just pull them out of the freezer and use them as recipes call for it. Unfortunately I have been having serious issues with nausea and lack of appetite over the past few months (to the point I have dropped 15 lbs that I can’t really afford to lose) and I am not always able to choke down a peanut butter cookie or brownie.
I melted down two sticks of canna-coconut oil (well really about a stick and 3/4’s because I put the frozen sticks on the counter to defrost and my husband started the crock pot that was right next to them and about 1/4 of one melted onto the counter before I caught it). Anyway it’s super easy with the right equipment (all from Amazon).
Frozen sticks and the mold
gelatin caps and filler
the setup
Easy peasy process with a 1 ml dropper
Waiting for the caps to go on
and voila…163 canna-caps. These will get covered and go back in the freezer so the oil doesn’t go rancid.
For me these have been a life saver because I can use them to calm my nausea and stimulate my appetite if it’s really bad as well as to medicate discreetly when needed.
@bob31Yes that’s the site. If you go to recipes there is a section for aromatherapy, spa and crafts. They actually have kits you can order (under essential oils and aromatherapy) that have everything you need to get started.
Wow thank you for all that. There are quite a few guys that make /use the canna caps and I have considered giving them a go. I’m gonna copy of your directions and give them a go in the fall when I harvest.
@willd I tried two with no effects, so went to 3 ,slight buzz but didn’t need to smoke or vape as you said , now at 4 and ,and dropped my pain meds down to only 4 pills a day ,two when wake up ,two after dinner ,4 canna caps before bed and sleeping right through,no real buzz from them but controlling the pain very well.the only thing I don’t like is the canna burps (yuk) lol
ok, been following thread for awhile, and getting curious. I have been smoking homemade hash from a pollen sifter. Would it work to decarb stash before It was put into sifter? Maybe end up with decarbed keif and send capsule potency thru the roof.
Glad to hear you’re recovering @Coltfire . I don’t usually have any indigestion issues so I don’t notice any cannaburp issue when I load up. I don’t take them every day because I still like to smoke and vape. When I do take them I usually only take 2 of the “000” size caps in the AM or if I’m going to be away from home for a long time somewhere I can’t smoke joints. You’re using the “000” size caps? I take a couple at bedtime sometimes too.
Nice job @AnneBonny
When I’m ready I may hit you up on this topic if you don’t mind
Don’t mind at all CB.
Yea I would love to learn how to make a batch as well @AnneBonny!
@willd yes using ooo caps
@bob31 I was poking around Amazon for recipe books and thought of you and your wife when I came across this:
I ended up getting the kindle version and can’t wait until my harvest is ready (or I hit Power Ball on Wednesday) because there’s lots of good stuff in it. ~ AB
Woohoo go Powerball lol. I need to go grab a couple quick picks tomorrow!
Sounds interesting. I will give it a look!
Line starts behind me @bob31…LOL