Decarboxylate time and temp for CBN conversion

I’m looking for times and temps anyone is using to decarb from THC to CBN. I’m attempting sleeping caps. I’ve seen 240 degrees for 180 minutes, and 300 degrees for 60 minutes. What works for you? Thanks.


Thanks for that, still looking for the CBN time/temp.

Following along to add to my knowledge base.

I’m not sure such a thing exists, as THC will continue to oxidize into CBN as time passes so long as the flower is exposed to air. All a decarb process does is accelerate that oxidation.


Maybe this will help

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CBN is 240°F for 3 hours. Buddy makes caps and I use em for sleep.

Thanks, that’s my current time and temp. Seems to work, but I’m never opposed to try something different.

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