Doing my best to not screw it up.
License re-news soon.
Still trying for a complete cycle seed to smoke with happy results.
I have a Maui W. in the small tent.
Today’s watering found run-off is 6.2/1800 (top dressed last month).
Leaves were showing the curl and skinny blades.
Soil was dry, now saturated.
We shall see.
Thanks, still learning, new stuff.
Her sister same dates 11-1-2023
Three ILGM-MW’s seed drop 11-1-2023.
They don’t like my soil, I believe.
and some bud porn, viewed tonight.
Beautiful, but not ready, yet.
Plop plop fizz fizz, oh what a relief it is!
Get that garden growing!
3 yards compost hauled and spread this week.
Date with chiropractor makes me think I was mugged with less pain than he found.
Yard got the compost for better protection and growth. The early spring caught me un-ready. The tulips have been frost-bitten. The extra depth of protection is needed for my yard plants, for sure. Winter frost froze off most all of my RH-pokers, but they will grow back, so feed the soil time, is now, too.
Hanging a tast tester from the grow.
Sun shining, today, 2 ft Snow in PNW Mountains this weekend.
Be safe and warm, all.
Our local horticulturalist says to wait a couple more weeks before putting plants outside, even hardy plants like pansies it’s too early now. Which sucks, have about 50 sweat pea plants in my cellar with 50 pansies, the only things in the cellar now (my ladies are in the tent!).
One or two more good frosts in our neck of the woods, DDD!
That was one reason I added compost to help shield or insulate everything just sprouting (perennials). Tulips have froze tips from last frost.
Prepping for the new AGF-Four.
Found previously mixed soil, prepping for the AFG4, giving over 7.5PH, run-off.
Chucked it to outdoors garden.
May explain the MW lock-out I am/have been battling.
Prepared a mix of soil that reads better.
Re-mixed prepping for the AFG4 on 2/27.
2 days soak
2 days paper towel
clear cups reside in red solo’s
They will get seeds, domes, and seedling/clone tent 3/1/2024.
Life cycle begins again.
Creating new life! Makes you feel like God!
What medium are they in and what was the ph level you’re trying to lower?
I looked back is that your own soil mix?
That’s all I saw about the soil
With your own mix what ph are you trying for?
My own soil mix.
Combination FFOF, FFHF, Warrior Seedling Mix. mostly.
I overwater usually and FFOF stays too wet.
I was trying to avoid flushing, completely.
BUT the color and necrotic fan leaves indicate trouble.
Flushed good plant for numbers experience event.
Results confirm soil below 7.0 PH preferred (7.3 on troubled plant).
Goal 6.0-7.0 PH or green and healthy leaves