It looks to me like maybe leaf miners. They lay eggs and the babies eat and live inside the leaves. If it’s just that single leaf I would cut it off and throw it away outside. Even if it is nothing it’s not going hurt anything to cut it off… just my opinion
The staff at ILGM told me FF OF is too hot for autos
It may be a tad hot. A lot of soil growers layer Happy Frog and OF with the HF layered at the depth the seedling roots would be
@Yuniku ocean forest is a hot soil, you shouldn’t really need any nutrients until flower. Maybe some calcium during stretch and prepare for flower, potassium is on the lower side with OF soil. But in my opinion she looks over fed, with the drooping leaves and twisting new growth. If it were me I would water plain RO water for a few weeks. Nothing to be concerned about and definitely don’t go chasing your tail to fix haha. She looks beautiful!
That’s a good idea. But instead of OF i like to use happy frog on the bottom and straw berry fields on top just to make sure it’s not too hot at all
I am growing 2 ILGM auto OG kush. I am 31 days in now. I have been clipping about 7 big fan leaves every time i water and feed. I am so confused if should defoil or not on autos??? PLEASE HELP GROMIES
20230421_210804|375x500](upload://aWMGpsbvBTvsMImKBX8xKZIMh84.jpeg)i have about 4 of the bottom shoots tied down. Should i tie down some more…or should i just let them both grow. They were both planted at the same time bigger one started flowering about 2 weeks in which was 1 month ago today and the shorter 1 started flowering this week
They look good and I would wait until week 6-7 for a final clean up. I would recommend rearranging the plants so they are front to back…seems there’s more room and that’ll allow you to spread them out some with LST. This will open them up for better light penetration and air circulation
I have both of them under a spider farmer 1000. I feel like its not enough.
Hey look good brother! Keep good air flow on them and keep the VPD in a good range and you will be great!
@Huckleberry1983 only one way to know, test your DLI, one of the great things about autos is you don’t need as intense of light because you can just add more hours.
Once you get a good handle on autos you will appreciate them, you essentially get two 12 hour days in one. You can run with less light, less nutrient because they have twice the time to utilize it.
I have them on a 20/4 light schedule.
@Huckleberry1983 that’s a good lighting schedule. See if you can play with your lighting height to achieve 550-650 PPFD across the entire canopy. That would give you around 40-45 DLI. Pay close attention to edges and corners and see what works for you! Looks like you have a pretty sweet setup!
I use the photon app and according to that i am good. When do i need to stop feeding and only water?
Last 2 weeks leading up to harvest
Awesome…thanks a lot. This is my first grow that has made it to flower. So flowering is definitely new territory for me so i will have a lot of questions and pics. I will need help knowing when she is ready to harvest. I appreciate all you guya and gals!!!
Anytime Grow Bro, a great community to be a part of
Day 41…
The more mature one has been flowering since week 2. The younger one just started showing flowering signs last week. I need help on when to harvest. I know (think) it is still at least 4 weeks down the road for the bigger gal. GUIDANCE NEEDED…GROMIES SUMMOND!!! How long do you think @dbrn32 Both are ILGM OG KUSH autos