How does this happen? Is it a perlite mass that makes the stalk curved? I would prefer a straight stalk…
It’s the weight of the buds causing them to lean. Congratulations on your heavy flowers.
The buds do have some weight to them, but these stalks are curved at the ground level and have been like this for some time, definitely before buds developed.
Question? At any time have you pulled the plant or a stem in that direction for training? I train everything in one direction and I use a counter wire and I still get a lean…
It’s my first autoflower garden and just wanted to let plants grow naturally, so no LST of any kind this round.
Ok let’s put a golf ball on your floor and see where it goes…
If that’s soil that you let get dry like you are supposed to do I try to not move my plants when dry. The media is very flimsy by week 3 of flower when dry and I know it gets fluffier and heavy with roots.
Or it’s the freaking boulders of THC on the end of the stems…
Actually i severely overfed this garden and i am now getting new pistil growth during week 11 of flowering. I was told this is foxtailing. That purple plant is Super Skunk. Check out my other Super Skunk. A clear example of the ruderalis genetics in autoflowers.
Wow those are monsters! I’d have trouble standing up straight if I was that top heavy too.
If they’re not directly under the light then they will naturally curl towards it.
If you rotate your pots 180 deg every few days you can minimize that.
But you do have some heavy looking buds tho.
I think your lean is just a ‘some do, some don’t’ thing. I’ve grown 2 or 3 at the same time of same strains and will get 1 here and there. But sometimes it doesn’t have to do with how deep or shallow you plant the seed, and which direction the root is facing when planting.