Rude bro this plant was stunted due to genetics you dont need to be in here actively disrepecting people nor did I fail at anything this was one of multiple other plants I grew that run that were quite successful
All I said is you can’t go just on here, I’ve been on other forums as well including thcfarmer, grasscity, etc. Some were and some deliberately sabotaged, and their response is the devilish emoji, All I said was to do what a lot of growers have done in the past, I just came on to see what others were doing, and how that was offensive to fail b/c of lacking a study? it’s not bashing but constructive criticism ll I said what I done reading, choosing an icon and going by theirs, as time progresses you get better, I have 32 years under my belt, and now it’s legal
Listen I’m not interested arguing but you literally started yelling at me that I need to read and that i dont know what im talking about that was pretty rude you also said nothing of anyone sabotaging you other forums not that it justifies it honestly I’d prefer if this was our last interaction thank you enjoy your day
ALL THE HOSTILITY, NEVER FAILS DOES IT? You jumped all over constructive criticism, I’m sure they told you to read books from a grower you trust, this way you have 300 opinions not just 1, That is all I said it’s good advice, if you want to learn how to gro, I learned to grow and get into crossbreeding autos and photos which I done already
Post some pics of your grow im interested on how they look im sure i can give you some constructive criticism as well as @low and @DoneDeal @Dman1969 and @dbrn32. If he wants to learn from anyone on this site and not read another forum or book then he can. Im sure he would make out great learning from any of these guys without picking a book up. But again post some photos of yours. Id love to see it.
Should read up on how to zoom in cant really tell if thats a bud or if it a cattail covered in parsley
I looked at a few pics he posted. He might be an old timer but he better get back to reading lol
He may not mean it the way we read it, but the way it reads to me and seems to be to others comes off as very rude
I second that that’s why I flagged it!
I went to my neighbor for advice because he was growing indoors for 10 years, he wasn’t having it. Even though he hung It Up 5 years ago the way things have changed had no value to him. LEDs, autoflowers, it didn’t matter he was stuck in his ways. After asking him for an advice and leaving with him telling me I was a know-it-all. Some people don’t want to hear it. And that folks is how I wound up here. Everyone is great
Please refrain from reacting to this post. We will keep an eye on the OP.
Polite and respectful is expected here. This is not “one of the other forums”.
Out of respect to moderators post deleted
Thank you Brother I appreciate the tag and your confidence in me. And we can do this without any arguments
As the author of this post, Im incredibly disappointed with how it has devolved. There are 30 posts here and ive learned nothing. When someone asks me if they think weed forums are helpful, i will direct them to this post. Just a waste of time.
I’m sorry you feel that way. But the plant curving is just the way it wants to grow. Ive had several that didn’t grow straight up and also got some monster harvests. You can try and train it to grow strait. But I’ve found it’s better to let them do there thing.
Not argueing. Just sticking up for people from someone that wants to be rude and wants to be a know it all
I agree 100%
Yeah just the way it goes and the heavy buds making it lean if u want it straighter youll have to support your stalks and buds. Use bamboo poles and plant ties as a support. And if it started to curv e before hand its usually from seedling or teenage stage and the stalk starts to harden the more it grows and gets more wood like then its permanent. Look up super crop that will give you an idea howit heals like that. Nothing wrong with a bit of a curve