Countryboy’s Return

:rofl: Yeah i was in Ny doing the Hvac thing during Covid we sold our home quit our jobs and moved to Fl
Ive since retired and just enjoying Life My wife still works but she works from home and makes her own hrs so shes happy with that


I will Get that done for ya @Myfriendis410
I’m still using Promix Bx,
ill look into jacks tho see what you all are using and I will Get a run down list put together and post it later tonight or tomorrow


Vivosun Tent Size 8foot x 8 foot x6-1/2 feet
Lights are Vivosun VS1000E x6
Medium will be Promix in fabric pots 5gal will be my final pot size
Nutes will be GH trio because they are cheap and work well :rofl:
Strains will Be

  1. Jelousy Glue x4
  2. Runtz X 4
    I have 2 more lights if needed but will keep space avail to service the plant as needed
    Will post pictures when beans pop

Exhaust and intake fans are Ac Infinity with the pro controller which controls Lights intake and exhaust fans as well as humidifiers (2) to maintain proper temp and humidity dependent on stage of the plant
Did i miss anything ?


Looking good! I’ve never used the BX but love the Promix HP. But it’s pricey.


Bx just has perilite already added
But ive been using it for years
The soil you mentioned is it Jack catus blend soil ? @Myfriendis410
Maybe a link ?


@Countryboyjvd1971 keep safe! Just watching the weather about the hurricane.

Will this be your first?


It’s just peat, perlite and mykos.


@Growmoredank no i live in SW Florida and we had the Cat 5 2 years ago that made land fall just north of us
We built our house new so it built like a bunker with all the new codes
we are just getting a s ton of rain from this one
Thanks for the well wishes tho
Myfriend exactly and i was just looking on Amazon they are a rip off and prices are way out of line
3.5 cubicfeet compressed bale i pay half the price here local at the nursery


Yeah; Amazon is insane. We have a Grow Warehouse in town and the last time I bought it there (a couple of years ago) it was $38 for the big bag.

I’m using coco/perlite just because it’s cheap and does almost as good a job.

Jack’s 3-2-1: Part A 3.0 grams (5,12,26)
Part B 2.0 grams (15,0,0)
Part C 1.0 grams Epsom Salt

Plus I use silica from first feeding to harvest. Mix full strength from first feeding to last. I also don’t flush as it’s never necessary.


I like the promix or even a generic brand of peat i will
Always mix in perlite to get my desired draining but since i started using it its served me well
I mix in Mykos supreme when i plant my seedlings and it can also be used as a tea to ensure you have plenty at the roots !
Silica helps alot from past experiences.


HP has added perlite, BX has less.


Thanks i may have had it mixed up in my head never used the HP


Hahaha now that i think about it i started using the bx cause it was cheaper then the Hp and i just added more perlite myself :rofl::joy::rofl: have not really thought about it in so long


So my weekend test went well temp and humidity Are good and o see no issues in the future with either i maxed my humidity out at 65% for the test and temp never went higher then 84 which should be more then good for veg stage
beans will be dropped later today now that i know my set up is good to go
Old beans i put in germination station to test have 0 movement
They are old ilgm sour d beans i had in my safe since 2017 so i dont expect them all if any to pop i just figured wtf :grin:
Hey @dbrn32 can i get a germination guarantee replacement on these old beans :joy::rofl::joy::rofl:Joking of course


That’s asking for a lot haha!


8 beans in rapid rooter plugs in propagation dome at 85degrees with 80% humidity
Will post pics when they pop
4 Jealousy Glue
4 Runtz


So happy just received replacement probes for my favorite temp/Ph/Ec/DO
The Extech DO700
This was a parting gift when i left my last Job in NY :wink: i was the only one who know how to use it anyway :joy::rofl::rofl: and they had 2 more


Has anyone else used Rapid rooter plugs ? I like the results
I put clipping in them 4 days ago as a test and they have all rooted
Normally my success rate with clones in around 70-30
70% being rerooted


Impressive. I’ve been seeing them more and more around here. :call_me_hand:t3: