Countryboy’s Return

I cloned last year… First time in decades.

Clip the cutting… Dipped in clonex…the into moist rooters…70-80% rooted… At least… I really didn’t think that many would take… Only needed 8…had 20.


I will post pictures tomorrow @Low


I do that type of stuff all the time & Wind up having way to many
Ive tried other types of starter plugs with out the results infact when the plant got older they stunted the growth by choking the stem after that i stopped using anything but a damp paper towel to germinate
i put seeds in rapid rooter plugs yesterday so we will see how well they do there !


I haven’t cloned a plant in ages but I’m sure there is still some rapid rooters around, I like them. I would just soak them in clonex solution and give them a light squeeze to release a little bit of the moisture before stuffing.

4 days is impressive.


So this is what they looked like after 4-5 days in propagation Dome Almost a shame im
Not gonna use these
still waiting on beans to sprout should be any time now


I was just messing around with these clones i really dont use them normally
I have a plant that was in my old tent i put outside I took the clippings of of i haven’t feed it at all
i should just cull it thats why the clones look so ruff :joy::rofl::joy::rofl:
I will prob take the mother and the clones out to the back and put them in the compost pile


So after talking with @dbrn32 about leds i decided to pick up some IR LED Light strips to be used mostly in flower but i will use them for a few hrs per day in Veg as well waiting for a second controller before i Install the lights and have pictures to share.
I really like the AC Infinity product line they have put a-lot of thought into indoor growing
On another note: i have 3 sprouts in propagation dome waiting for the others to arrive 2 Runtz
1 Jealousy glue
i suspect in a few more days all should be out
Pics to follow
Have a Great Weekend everyone


Welcome back! You are my most replied to person here, and I’m back from a couple years away too. I’m glad you’re here again, I’m no expert lol, def need this forum


Good to see you again
Tag me into your thread if you’d like ill follow along also you can always stop by here if you have a question


@Countryboyjvd1971 dude your the man! I love looking at your gardening! Your awesome​:evergreen_tree::+1: I was worried I thought you passed away or something! I’m glad you’re back. By the way I saw you battled critters with your greenhouse, I highly recommend my wasabi spray. Put it in a spray bottle shake their won’t be a problem. I hope you have a great day!


Im am no longer growing outdoors and i relocated to south Florida @soilman837
Glad your well also


So i had a ruff week last week i had to put my oldest best friend down (brown boxer )and a piece of me went with him
Im still not 100% but life goes on and i know i did the right thing and prevented any more suffering!
So back to the grow
2 runtz popped
And 1 jealousy glue
It looks like a few more might pop in the next day or two
I did drop 4 more jealousy glue beans hoping they pop
We will see


Sorry for your loss @Countryboyjvd1971 its never easy, in spirit and memory you’ll always have him with you.


Thanks @Low
Was hard but when you love hard choices have to be made sometimes


Absolutely, I lost my boy 9 years ago… never really got over it. The situation was necessary though. I feel your pain bro.


Its never easy and sorry for your loss even if it was years ago
Moving on
I added UV lights to my tent 3 sets of 4 light one set for each station in my tent
Should help in veg a bit i will limit the time they are on
But in flower they will run 12/12 with the reg light
They are side mounted still testing placement


Sorry for your loss… I had to put down my 14 yo best friend Sam a collie (on the left) on new years eve.


Sorry for yours as well @Growmoredank mine was a rescue and i know he knew we save him we found him young @ 9 months old he had already been in and out of two home that i know of and we where told he was a aggressive dog
Nothing could’ve been for father from the truth. He was a gentle soul, just a playful puppy and im Blessed to have had the time i did with he made me a better human


If our leaders would model themselves after dogs and kids, we’d have a fine country to live in!


So sorry @Countryboyjvd1971
The hardest part of being a pet parent is the goodbyes. It’s only been a year since my 11yr old Husky X crossed the rainbow bridge, we still miss him so badly.