Confused if it’s nutrients burn or high ph

It’s day 19 on my first grow and I forgot to ph my water and I fed them 3 liters a peace of 7.25 water with very little nutes in it close to none. So I decided to make a foliar spray the next day just 1 gallon and I put 5ml of cal mag, and 10ml of fox farm flowerkiss and ph the water at 6.1 and sprayed them down pretty good then the next day after spraying them I noticed they had spots on them the tips were curling with yellow like tips so I’m not sure if it was the spray that did this or the wrong ph I fed them a few days back


Shoot for 6.5-6.8 in soil.

What kinda soil are you in?


Fox farm happy frog every time I feed I use 6.1 to 6.3 water


Please clarify, are you phing the water then mixing in your nutes? Or are you mixing in your nutes then phing to 6.1-6.3?

Its to early to begin giving nutes at day 19 in FF soil.

Best way to tell its time to feed is when your runoff water gets to 1000ppm or below then go ahead and feed. You will likely see between 3-5 weeks worth of nutes in your soil.

Not a bad idea just a touch early.
And way to strong. You should start out at 25-50% strength when feeding .

This is the likely culprit of your nute burn. Way to strong. A touch to early. Even the dose of calmag you gave was too strong for the size of your plant. (Calmag has nitrogen in it also) 5ml per gallon is for mid to full size plants. When it comes to nutes and autoflowers always start low, less is more with them.
Solution is simple, phd water till runoff gets bellow 1000ppm no nutes till then.
Homework- find someone here on the boards who uses happyfrog and read their journals. @Covertgrower is my go to. Always helpful, always brilliant. @MidwestGuy another brilliant grower. They will prolly chime in and offer more assistance.
They look good and healthy, dont sweat too much burnt tips and FF go hand in hand. I love using them though.


Man wasn’t expecting all that help thank you and I ph the water after I had my nutes which are the fox farm dirty dozens and I use quarter strength I’m not sure why I decided full strength on the foliar spray and I’m having problems catching my run off what can I buy to fix that because I know the treys don’t lift the plants off the ground so the water just goes right back in and last but not least is my yield destroyed from this mistake can I still get 2 ounces per plant


Good on all counts. The coco throws me for a loop because it has different ph requirements. Someone else will correct me if Im wrong but ph everything you pour in to between 6.5 and 6.8 for soil.

You love your plant and want it to thrive, mostly. Your desire for 2oz’s per plant maybe a close second :slight_smile:

Lets talk about that. No your yield is not destroyed from this 1 mistake. Weed is tuff when its not a seedling…seedlings are weak AF! As for 2 oz’s a plant. Totally possible, just more factors then nutes and mistakes determine that. You still got a ways to go she is gonna surprise you! In a week or so, maybe less she is gonna start showing her sex, thats when the real growing happens for autos, the stretch is real my friend. Try not to get hung up on how much your 1st harvest will be, worry about having a first harvest. Your 2nd harvest WILL be bigger then the first and so on.

This will work in a pinch, also a few small stones make great legs. They also make plant risers you can get on amazon or at ace hardware even walmart.


This is good. As for the rest, your plants look great. I wouldn’t spray them with the lights on if you do choose to spray them.
I personally discourage from spraying anything on the leaves unless necessary. (Bugs :grimacing:)


Id listen to that guy over myself every time.
@Covertgrower thanks again, u rock!


I would ph everything between 6.5 and 6.8 like @Docnraq said. I would not go lower. I mean 6.3 to 6.8 is the sweet spot FOR SOIL. I do not like going below 6.5 ever because ff soils tank over time, never had it not. Good luck on your journey and new favorite hobby!

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Thanks will not spray anymore unless really need it


Thank you :pray: I’m going to take all your advice ready for the 2 ounces agin thanks for all the help


@Mr420 Im growing in FF CocoLoco. I did the same thing with a few gal. of pH 7.2 water. Not problem except 2 fan leaves showing just a bit of pH fluctuation but no more. Your plants look great! You seem to have good instincts.Try not to overreact, cause your doing a great job. @Docnraq and @Covertgrower have you covered. You’re going to have more bud than you know what to do with.


Thank you will try my best not to overreact if possible


Soon you’ll be looking at 2xs this:


Hopefully :pray:

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@Mr420 if you dont have one yet, start a grow journal. Its super nice to have all your questions, answers, thoughts and process all in one place. When/if you have one, tag me in so I can follow along. If looking for a good read, my first and second grow attempts are very detailed and may hold some useful info. Happy farming!

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Ph is to high you want ur ph to be 6.5 -6.3

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Did some low stress training day#30 and I think heavy defoliation should I chop off more of the small bud site or is it okay for now and are they suppose to look like this at day#30

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