Confirm my suspicion please

Amnesia Haze, got burned pretty bad as a sprout. Split into 3 branches. Pretty sure these are nuts?Processing: 1000014334.jpg…
Processing: 1000014333.jpg…

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Edit you post and reload images…wait until upload is complete before hitting reply.

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Photos will not process or upload? Hmmm. Not sure why?

You have to wait for pics to fully upload before hitting post. Processing of photos is done by the site to remove metadata from photos to remove identification data.


Been waiting 30 minutes. Not sure what the issue is? Will try later.


That is a male plant.



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It’s a boy!


He’s been relegated to the compost roller… RIP Marion. He was a fighter. Hit them with Neem oil as a sprout on a super hot day. They went limp for a few days then began to recover. This one split into 3 main stalks and was doing well. They were all ILGM femenized. Also have a Choco Haze that went through the same trauma but is showing pistils. Is it normal for them to show sex this early? Started them in mid May.

Most plants will show sex at btw 4 and 7 weeks. Some are as short as 2 weeks (mainly autos) and some as late as 12 weeks.

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Thanks for everyone’s help and quick replies.

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Totally male, when u see the “ball like clusters” means male, dont want them to mature, open and turn your whole garden

Thats why Ive always been leery when I see a strain thats supposed to be the :poop: and I read the strain bio and it says F/R or just Regular seeds… So assuming one tries that strain they’d have to germ them veg them until the above mentioned times and see if they are M or F and pull the males…I guess those are for hardcore growers who want to propagate or have a lot of space and time to wait that long?
Sucks too because Ive ran across some pretty interesting strains that are Regulars…but I have my hands full already… :rofl:

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You know @al_green I can’t even tell you how many times I have planted 12, 14 girls…one time 30 plants and they’re just thriving… l@@king so beautifull, smells are so great, I’m just salivating, can’t wait to indulge LOL only to go out the next morning to find balls… it’s a male!!! Hes 5 maybe 6 ft tall, out he goes…
Women hunter, during the beginning of the pandemic I decided I’m not going to have these dental partials started with one partial for one tooth and it was about 8 years later I found out that oh yeah when you have a partial the tooth is connected on either side they’re the first to go and that’s what happened one by one so I decided I’m going to get those dental implants omg omg omg! That shitta is massive pain!! Well my garden was going beautifully and about I don’t know less than 2 weeks after I got the implant I was having trouble found out that the implant was severely infected the infection went into my bloodstream and I was incredibly sick, the kind of sick where you don’t get up, my husband who doesn’t smoke but will help me at every stage Just For the Love of watching the girls grow, thankfully he was watering but was not to versed on checking to see if there were any males in the garden and my whole garden 30 plants every plant turned so I just let him go and mature and I harvested the seeds and I have thousands and thousands of these seeds this is what I’m using to grow, with the exception of this year I’ve been fighting breast cancer got the all clear then in mid-February doctor calls and said your tests don’t look too good so I decided if I have to go through all of this BS again I’m not going to plant it was just too taxing on me then I decided hell I’m not going to let breast cancer stop me from doing something I enjoy so I turn to the Autos, 2nd time Auto grow, put them in their prepared permanent “ground” floor home yesterday

Sorry to hear about your health problems…Hope you get better soon…Its good you want to keep up with your passion for growing…It ll keep you busy that’s for sure…Get well!