t them now. They have started to become lighter in color, maybe lack of nitrogen? Just don’t know what watering method to use at this stage. Using Vivosun Base A and B as nutrition with a drop of SuperThrive in the mix, grow tent with LEDs, 80 degrees. Why are they getting lighter and browning on leaves. Do I need more light, different nutrients? Moved one to plastic to keep from drying too much, good idea or not. These are 15-20 days old and I would think as Autos they should be more robust. Please help me recover!
Seedlings don’t require much nutrients at all until they reach the veg state, about 2 weeks in. What soil medium are you using? My immediate thought is you are overloading the plant immediately with nutrients. Also, does the bottom of that plastic bottle have drain holes? Those are very important for drainage and airflow to the roots. I don’t think lights are a problem at all. The high temperature can also be negatively effecting the plant this early.
Sorry, I’m not trying to nag, I’m just trying to cover a lot of bases to get you back on track. Growing is very rewarding and I’d hate to see someone lose confidence before they can make that final click that makes growing nearly effortless. It’s all in due time, I’m on my first grow and I already feel like a pro (I do have a LOT left to learn though) here’s a pic of some of my seedlings a couple weeks in and here’s a pic of one now (lost two to being males, all a part of growing bag seeds )
Yes there drainage holes in the plastic cup, it is filled with the same coco material as in the other one. I have the Coco pellets and 5gal buckets for the main veg stage, but I need to know when and how to transplant them. And nagging is what I need right now so no worry. So I should stop nutrients and only water every other day then. Right?
Correct, plants really don’t need a lot at all to flourish. I can probably count the total number of times I’ve watered my plant with nutrients on both hands. I also use Fox Farm nutrient trio, and Fox Farm Ocean Forest which does have a bunch of nutrients prepackaged in the soil. My recommendation is to use a simple, three part nutrient brand, like GH, Jacks, or Fox Farm. It essentially gives its own type of nutrient for each stage of plant if growing in coco. Step one for seedlings, step one and two for veg, and all three steps for flower. Getting a cheap PPM or EC meter is essential for knowing when to give your plants nutrients. They’re usually about $10 on Amazon, and any standard one will do the trick. PPM tells you how many parts in a million are in your soil, and you can usually just guess what numbers your plant will start needing nutes. I water my plants with nutes whenever my PpM drops under 1300, but seedlings PPM range is more optimal around 400-500
Not really sure how to properly share threads but you can type in the search bar to find the thread as well
Lists of several people and what they grow in and more. They dont mind being tagged to ask questions. I know squat about coco so thought id share so you can find someone that grows in coco as well.
My only thought is that they are in to small containers for their age. Just imo. Best of luck
Here’s what I do, and it’s simple. Get some fox farm happy frog soil, and solo cups. Moisten the soil, and fill the solo cup. Plant the seed directly into the soil (not very deep), spray a little water on it to settle the seed, and stick a baggie over the top to make a little greenhouse. Keep it warm, and it should break ground in about 3 or 4 days. Stick it under your light on low power, and don’t water until dry. No nutrients until about 3 or 4 weeks after you transplant it.