I have a big farmers sack of
Compost Blend | Black Swallow Living Soils, Brantford ON (blackswallowsoil.com)
Worm Castings | Black Swallow Living Soils, Brantford ON (blackswallowsoil.com)
and I don’t even really know how to use them properly when top dressing.
I don’t aerate so I’m just using the stir method mentioned on the cannabis science podcast, where I basically just create a slurry, add some fish hydrosylate for food, and microbes for extra boost, and “stir” every time you walk by it
I want to know: Do you leave the compost/casting chunks and add it to the top of the soil? Or do you use a bag (I have one, never opened it yet) to squish out the goodness but then remove it?
When would the bag be suitable? When are the chunks suitable? Irrigation sprayer vs. no sprayer, simple as that?
And as a side topic I’d love to know best way to use these two items and at what times, if you can spare the few extra minutes
Thanks again