Completely new to this and need amazed I've got this far!

we will laugh with you…the people who post, the mentors/moderators, the staff at ILGM strive to keep this forum a friendly group…we are all here for the fun of it, most having grow tents not grow houses (tho there are a few that have hundreds of plants).

welcome to ILOVEGROWINGMARIJUANA…read, get comfortable, post comments, start a journal (or not), but most of all, feel free to ask questions…almost all get answered, some may take a few hours to a day but someone will respond. Do searches, the magnifying glass up top, most questions have already been asked you might get a faster answer there.


Thank you, much appreciated.

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And… That has not happened here has it.

I’ll bet you can’t wait to get your next group on the veg table!


No, everyone has been great, but there’s still plenty of time for me to ask a dumb question you just wait…:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Lol

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This should give you some piece of mind I am growing in a unheated shed it was -17f this morning have had similar temps most of the week my shed is tented off inside with a home made 4x4x8’ grow box inside it the tents ambient last night was 14f The 2 compartments inside my grow box had a high of about 64-66f and low right around 50f now somehow I still have 2 mother plants 2 8 plant DWC units and one lady on her final week alive in there? These plants are tough they will let you get away with so many abuses before they will actually die they truly are weeds in every sense they are only vulnerable during their first month so long as they have water and light with the occasional meal they grow.
The fun is in making them grow better faster stronger there should never be fear to ask questions try new things and play that’s what makes you a better grower

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XWell that’s what I figured at the start, it’s a weed, how hard can it be?

I bought the seeds on a whim and had no idea about the rest of the process. I had actually just planned to throw them in a pot outside and let them grow. Then the other half informed me there was more to it than that. :astonished:

So he converted my daughters old toy box that he had made for her years ago into a home-made grow box. He made some adjustments, modifications and improvements, painted it with a top quality mould resistant white paint, hung the lights, installed the ventilation thing, put a fan in, put a lock on it and I was good to go.

Then he left me to it…coz he wants me to do it by myself so I ‘learn’. :unamused: pfft.
(Actually, it was probably because I would’ve ended up asking him to do it for me. Haha)

The End

Lol :smile:

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here’s a start, we use lots of growing terms and abbreviations…

Ah, thankyou, this is great.
I am lost with all the lingo that’s for sure.
Did you not like my reference to “installed the ventilation thing” :laughing:

Have to admit I feel a bit weird using terms like ‘hermie’ ‘nutes’ ‘grow box’ etc . It’s like another language. :wink:


If I can fix the deficiency will the leaves turn green or will they stay yellow?

It depends on how much damage is done. Sometimes they will bounce back but it will take a while. Concentrate on the leaves above, they are the new growth.

I’ve found if they are actually yellow, they won’t come back but the problem shouldn’t spread. If they are just light greenish, maybe come back as @TxGrowman said.

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@TxGrowman @Matthew420 okay, thank-you


I’m starting week 6 of flowering tomorrow, should I just use the pk 13/14 to water them? Or do I use water and pk or should I still be using the other Nutrients as well? If so for how long?

I thought I was supposed to flush them for 2 weeks before harvesting but I have read you can flush for 1 week if necessary.

@Indigo like the old saying goes there’s no stupid questions
We all are here for the same reasons we love MJ
And want the best results we can get
No one here will laugh at you unless your getting teased in a friendly way lol
But when it comes to growing we all take it seriously and will pass our knowledge on to others when possible
Just my thoughts welcome to the sand box :v::sunglasses:CB

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CB is right, we might bust em once in awhile but it’s in a good natured way. We are all here for a common cause and we all keep that in mind. I would recommend reading around the forum and learning through what others are going through, it sure reduces the stress!


For future reference, I attached pH tables that help you understand the importance of pH in growing. As you can see some nutrients get locked out at high pH or low pH making the deficiency show up. Most times it is not the amount of nutrient as long as you follow directions but the ph. Some times there is actually too much of a nutrient in the soil or water but th pH will not let the plant absorb it, so adding more nutrients without checking pH can be a real problem! Hope this makes the ph issue clearer. Jerry


Hmmm, thankyou. Am beginning to feel like I need a science degree. :worried:

haha, luckily the science has already been done and it says 6.5ph for soil :slight_smile:

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Would it be easier to get some ph down instead of mucking around with trying to figure out what and how much nutrients are needed?

Yes, PH to 6.5 and the nutrient intake will happen. However, that doesn’t mean you wont need to add nutrients. The plant just can’t use them if the soil isn’t in the right PH range.

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