Today I got my new seeds from ILGM and decided to throw a purple haze in a cup of water. I spent most of the day making a new grow room here’s the pictures and measurements along with some information about my upcoming grow. Thank you to everyone who helped me with my first grow i’ll be tagging you here. Without you guys it wouldn’t have been possible! @Covertgrower @Bulldognuts @SeaSeaside_guy1 @MrPeat the lights will be moving up and down depending on growth stage but right now they are just there to make sure they hang.
Strain: purple haze from ILGM
Light: 1000w gixxer (110w) 100w natural light grow lamp and unbranded random Chinese led unsure of it’s power but it’s shit.
Room: 54"(height)/24"( width)/36" (length)
Nutes: fox farms grow big, tiger bloom and liquid plant food.
Ventilation: none at the moment.
Co2: no
Medium: soil (fox farms ocean Forest)
If I left anything out of the support ticket let me know and I’ll fill it in. Thanks again for all the help guys and hopefully I have a bountiful harvest this time.
Regardless of how successful you are you’ll learn a little more on each grow. Take lights for example, I’ve got some kickass lights which is great but having them and learning how to use them properly is something I’ve had to learn about on my current grow. Next grow I’ll probably have some other lesson to learn. Good Luck, I’m set to watch.
@Bulldognuts The heat is killing me. I don’t want to buy an air conditioner because that means retiring a finished basement.
I’m definitely on a learning curve with them. I posted earlier that I had saw greengenesgarden video who also is the guy who does PLC build videos . He does grow videos of his grows with PLC strips and he has them set fairly high above canopy. I’m starting to see why now.
I have built 2 of his PLC lights covering a 4x4 and using a light meter and the plants responses I can have them 12” or so above flowering plants with no issues and even that close is within range of intensity.
They give off virtually no heat from the strips. My drivers are outside the tent so reduces heat issues but almost moved them back in tent this winter but didn’t.
He might have raised those lights in the video for the video but then again they work at higher heights as well.
You’ll want to use a starter soil for the seedlings and not the Ocean forest as you will have issues as that soil is too “hot” for seedlings. Once they are a couple weeks old or older that OF will be fine to use when putting them in bigger pots.
If your planning on putting the germinated seeds in final pots from the start just use some quality starter soil in the area you will put seed in surrounded by OF and give the small roots a chance to grow from the light soil into the OF and you should be good to go.
Do you not have an inline fan yet or is it just not hooked up?
I’m going to reconfigure setup after this grow. I have 4x8 in small room. I currently have drivers in tent and run a/c unit. I will probably move drivers outside tent. Also need to move carbon filter so I can raise lights a little more if needed. I think the main issue is inexperience of the grower. But I’m learning. Thanks for the input @Skydiver .
@Skydiver I don’t have an inlinefan but I plan on ordering one when I can get the money together I just went out the other day and blew all my spare money on nice trimming shears for the plant I cut down and this soil so I’m sad to say I can’t afford that other soil right now. Is it definitely not going to work if I just take the seed and drop it in that? Last time I went with magic dirt super soil from seed to harvest so I didn’t realize I needed a second soil.
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@Bulldognuts I’m definitely ready to learn some more I’m excited for this next grow.
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@Skydiver haven’t had a seedling die yet in it. Yeah they grow a little twisty, but they grow fine.
@Covertgrower I have 15 seeds so I guess worst case I start over if they die off
They shouldn’t die off. As long as you practice good germination techniques.
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It may get through into Veg stage as I haven’t actually tried it straight up just what everyone here states.
Small bag of starter soil is all you need. Enough to fill a solo cup…
I’m sure for $5-7 you can get a small bag at Wally World or big box hardware stores or Ace hardware etc…And will go a long way for future grows…
If you are able to get some make sure it isn’t describing things that auto release ferts or wetting agents and the like…get organic light seedling starter soil if you can…
If you have soil from a previous grow you could mix that with OF (dilute the OF) say 50/50 and use that in the solo cup or an area as big as a solo cup if putting in final pot
@Covertgrower I’m following the germ instructions from here then I’ll be making a dome to cover so I don’t water for the first week
I’ve seen several people say that they’ve had issues growing in OF. But I grow in it, seedlings to harvest no problems. 
@Skydiver I’ll see if I can find a tiny bag some time before they crack but I’m not sure I’ll be able to so I live in the middle of nowhere so I won’t end up stressing it.
Or a plant around the house you totally hate and use that soil mixed with OF…hahaha
Or run with straight up OF heck I don’t know but as bull said he does it and no issues…I’d love to know the real deal as opposed to rumors and all that can be repeated over and over until it becomes fact
@Skydiver I already tossed the roots and soil but if it doesn’t sprout this time I’ll grab starter soil so we’ll do an experiment here.
Good deal I’m sure things will work out.
Let us know how it goes / grows just keep watering to a minimum as water will facilitate nutrient uptake I think.
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@Skydiver @Bulldognuts @Covertgrower Quick update seeds have popped and have moved over to a slightly moist pot of soil. I used a lux meter to messure the light I have near the pot and with just the veg lights on it’s 6500lux at each pot and with both veg and bloom it’s about 12/13000lux so I think I have a decent amount of starting light.