Any one have experience with colloidal silver. Wanna try and make some seeds but have questions first thanks.
@OlyBoy98503 has used it.
Ty hopefully he will chime in here. Just wanna know about autos if he has used it and if the plant can be sprayed to self pollinate or will i have to collect pollen and pollinate another plant ect. Kinda si ple questions but i dont find much online about colloidal more about sts
He used them on outdoor photos. Interesting you are doing it to an auto. I think I saw @Hellraiser around this morning, the man has experience with silver, I highly doubt with autos though
I wanna try it on autos but i have alot of photo type i wanna seed
I don’t grow autos but have experience with making feminized seeds with colloidal silver.
The problem with self germinating a female plant is the timing. It can take a while (weeks) for the process to make mature male flowers and pollen and by that time the buds and pistils can be past the prime time for seeding (which is week 3 or 4 of flowering), so best to make and collect the pollen and then use on another female at the right time so you’ll get nice mature seeds that had plenty of time to develop.
Thats what i want to know. Even if i left the plant way past its time. Im not worried about the buds being smokable or anything just figured it would be a touch easier to let it do it on its own. I will give it a shot and see how it goes collecting pollen from 1 and go from there. Is there a way i can collect the pollen sacs put in a bag and give a shake to pop them open or should i hang a bag under all the buds
Here is my thread for what I did with colloidal silver.
I believe I started too late to begin application (what @Hellraiser said) of the CS. I didn’t get any pollen sacks to develop, and then I ran into a problem with the ash from the wildfires in September and 3" of rain in one week and I lost the entire plant to bud rot.
The next time I try this project (outside), I will (1) start with a plant earlier in the growing season, (2) start earlier in the growing cycle (start spraying ~3 wks after popping soil), and (3) be less careful (use a sprayer and not a paintbrush for application).
Just my two cents.
The method I was planning on using was to wait until a bunch of pollen sacks developed and were ready to pop (or just popped). Place a 55 gal trash bag over the entire plant and tie it off around the base. Shake the plant carefully, to assist polinating the rest of the plant. Remove the bag in such a way that the remaining pollen stays in the bag and is somehow collectable.
But I never got to this stage. I can’t tell you if this works or not. But I read it somewhere.
I usually took a branch or top cola and applied the CS as soon as flowering was initiated and kept spraying every few days for a few weeks until male flowers developed, then I chopped off the branch and put it a glass of water sitting on aluminum foil and let the male flowers develop and spew their pollen, collected the pollen from the foil and saved in a 35mm film canister, then used a q-tip to apply the pollen to female pistils. The pistils must be white to pollinate, withered pistils are too late to pollinate. Usually by the time pollen was collected, the donor plant was past white pistils.
Yeah. This idea sounds way better than my “shake it in a big trashbag” method. lol!
@Hellraiser how long would u say u left the branch in the cup of water a few days to a week.
About a week or so waiting for most of the male flowers to open up and let loose their powder.