Making fem auto seeds

Hi guys i want to be able to make my own fem auto flower seeds ive got 99.99 silver rods coming to make colloidal silver so i can use it to make a fem auto to produce pollen sacs so i can pollenate another auto flower ,does anyone know what is the best way for doin this cause i would like to do this with critical plus auto and a blueberry auto i was thinking that i could get both plant s to produce pollen and collect some of the pollen so i can cross breed later down the track is this possible

@Check out @Hellraiser 's thread here:

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Thanks i will @Newt

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Making colloidal has a little process to it u would probably be better off using sts as it works faster and has better outcomes with a faster time of it happening. C’s u have to start spraying like a week prior to flipping plants and spray 2 or 3 times a day til u see balls for. Sts I hear everyone say balls form within the first week sts start when u flip and spray once a day and balls form quick like. I bought a bottle of u0 ppm colloidal silver off Amazon for like 15 bucks believe it’s a quart. Still haven’t used it lol. Been thinking and thinking but just never have the time to be able to devote the time to that particular part yet.

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What is that never heard of it

I watched a video from a pot in a pot they said 100% colloidal silver is what they use and they dont any problem

Distilled water, silver(sacrificial anode), glass bowl, small maint. 2A battery charger or a MC battery, and a piece of copper wire. Process is called electrolysis. PPMs, unknown (you cant TDS read them) but I’m sure a chart exists based on the time of electron flow through sac. anode and the saturation point of the distilled water. I’ve made it before and it does work.
Important: After silver is applied the plant is not consumable, only pollen collecting material.

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