Closed up or not? Happy or not?

First timer here guys. Shes a ggorilla glue auto and is on her around 6 week. I gave her some transition to bloom nutes about 2 days ago. I haven’t seen a change in color but I have seen the ends of a few leaves curl down a bit, but only on some of her leaves. Also, to me it looks like the tops of her colas are more closed…if that makes sense. Before I could see in side. Maybe I’m just being an over protective mom. I check her all the time and this just looks different. Is she okay?

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Welcome nice plant ! Autos usually start flowering between 4 to 7 weeks. I can see a couple Rusty spots on the leaf might be first sign of needing a little
Cal-mag. Also if possible fill out support ticket will help you to get more feedback.

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How do I fill out a support ticket??

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Here it is:

Strain; Type, Bag seed, or NA:

Age from sprout:

Age from flower:

Soil in pots, Hydroponic, or Coco?

How often do you water and how do you determine when to water:

PH and ppm of runoff or solution in reservoir?

What is strength of nutrient mix? EC, or TDS.

Indoor or Outdoor:

Room size:

Light system, size, height from plants:

Temps; Day, Night:

Humidity; Day, Night:

Ventilation system; Yes, No, Size:

AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier:

Co2; Yes, No:

Any other info you think is pertinent:

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The tops might look different because they might be getting ready to flower, that’s where the flower develops and for autoflowers they are past due.

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