Cloning without a mother

I am new at growing and want to make a few clones from a vegetative feminised high CBD strain. I wanted to clone but don’t have space or time to for setting up a separate tent. My question is, Can i take a few cuttings and grow them along side the original?


@boogiemann22 Welcome to ilgm :v: that is a great question. I’m new to cloning, I usually cultivate from a seed. Let me get you some help. @Jbum @DoobieNoobie @Haildamaged @PurpNGold74 @Grandaddy013 @GreenJewels @Gremmall @Mrcrabs


@boogiemann22 , welcome my friend, it’s very possible, there are many different ways of cloning, Let’s up know what method your going for, good luck my friend,


In my mind light is light and the plant doesnt care where it comes from as long as it suits its needs. Not too much and not too little. Not too strong and not too weak. If you’re on 18/6 I dont see the problem. If you’re on 12/12 to flower then it wouldn’t work to veg photos on that light schedule but autos can I read. Welcome to ILGM @boogiemann22 and good luck. I’ll be cloning for the first time in the next couple of weeks so I’ll be watching to see how you do :cowboy_hat_face:


I frequently take cuttings while in veg (normally late veg due to flowering space timing constraints) to clone. Works just fine.

I also take cuttings in early flower (monster cropping) for clones but this is a bit more challenging and takes some time to get them to reveg.

I don’t maintain a mother plant, just clone whatever I am growing if the plant interests me.


Yes, as long as your lights are not on 12/12. I’ve done clones alongside vegging plants


Im keeping 8 clones on Veg by moving them from the tent to a balcony to keep them on the light.
I’m not even measuring the time beyond not letting them go 12 hours in complete darkness.
It’s been about 3 months since i took them and started this daily routine of moving them from balcony to tent, and they are looking pretty good still…
I have forgotten to move them a couple times, and the only thing that happened was that some threw out a few 3 point leaves instead of the 5+ point leaves.


Welcome to I :heart: GM looks like they all have your question answered. Good luck with your cloning :v::green_heart:
Thanks for the tag @RandomlyRan


Yes thank you all very much. It cleared some thing

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Doing it right now…cloning that is :+1::kangaroo:

How do I know when the mother plant is ready (hardened main stem.etc)

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I’m Comfortable to start taking clones at a foot or higher, unless it’s an emergency, top accidental broke, dog /cat / Mother Nature attack …etc… either way at a foot they have built up a nice root mass to bounce back with more shoots a lot quicker, good luck my friend :+1:


Thank you so much. Soooo example:, with my plant has been in vegetative for a week, I root a few clones. I vegetate all until ready to switch to flower …will i leave the clones flowering till harvest… will there be 2 harvests?

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Yes , correct, then you can re clone your clones, I’m on my fifth generation clone

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I have cloned Azalias but that is an perennial
Could you describe the procedure from taking clones to harvest of mother and clones. I don’t have a second environment (tent)

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No problem, I explain in details, after work @boogiemann22👍

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I’m about to try cloning too…
Chop, dip, stick in dirt works on yonsties lol

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So you figured it out? If so share. I’m probably overthinking it but I but It is better now than waiting

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Ok so this Is the original mother and she’s in full flower

She will be chopped in less than a month,so during vegg stage I cloned her a few times , here’s on of her clones

They will be taking over the mother’s place when she’s chopped

But 2 weeks after the original mother went into flowering I cut a couple more clones that I just transplanted today

These will replace the other mother you chopped but before chopping make sure to take clones, endless cycle :+1: hopes this helps @boogiemann22

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Is there a video of it (cloning without a permanent mother)