Cloning with aloe Vera

@floridabud here it is buddy

@Floridabud im back

anything I can do before the ph up and down and the foxfarm stuff gets here?


No , i think you should wait till iph solution gets there, mabye put a fan to try and dry out the soil, , can you get aloe vera?

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@Floridabud she will need time to recover

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I’ll try to get some yeah. If I can’t tho is thier any other solutions?

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Yes, but you have to buy a cloning gel or powder, i just use aloe vera, in seed starting soil and water clones should get roots in a few weeks

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Ok. I have all my plants in doors because I have to wait for the weather to clear

imma hit u up on here u in like a week or so and show u how she’s doing the ph up and down gets here Friday along with foxfarm nutes


No problem buddy

@FrostyBuds awsome my friend, i tagged you this way, don’t want to overcrowded his topic, your welcome to share you experience with us on my topic.,Since ive never done it, it wont post about, ive read about it, but our experiences are our best teachers

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The Simplest Cloning Method Known to Man

As easy as cloning is to the masses that use powder, liquid/gel rooting hormone, bubblers and soil, etc, there is an even less complex method of cloning that is so easy, it must have been around for decades, if not centuries. The only ingredients involved are water, light, and the cutting you would like to root.

As with normal cloning, you immediately dip the cutting in the water for about 15 to 30 seconds, tweaking it to dislodge any air bubbles that may be present. But the biggest difference is, you won’t be removing the cutting from the water until it has roots big enough to support the foliage above. Make sure the cup, which contains the cutting, is opaque. This prevents the light from shining directly on the roots. Roots don’t like light!

The cool thing about this method is the lighting technique. Cloning using this method works 100% of the time simply by sitting cuttings on a windowsill that receives no direct sunlight. In fact, slightly shaded would be even better. In the evenings (short days), you can sit them on an end table over seven feet from a ceiling mounted 100-watt incandescent bulb. At bedtime, just turn off the lights like normal, and when you get up in the A.M. Place them back on the windowsill. During the longer daylight hours they can be left on the sill full time. But remember, no direct sunlight. Also, do what’s necessary to keep at least 1⁄2” of the stem in the water.

Notice the glass that diffuses light, an extra measure against too much light exposure. The top of the cup covered to keep light out, and the cutting at the right height. Now you wait and wait but it’s :100:% free!!


I tried it once but no success, but i had in it in a mason jar with light hitting the stem, i might give it a try, this time ill cover the glass, glad u could share @Budbrother, @MattyBear has also had success in The past with this method

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I’ve used this method, and the raw honey dip method for decades. It was necessary mostly to allow me the extra time needed to empty out the closet, eventually a tent; without the clones plants getting too big, too fast. With this method, you can stall a clone until a few weeks before harvest.
Pictured above is C99d. I don’t keep Mother’s, instead I take a clone (stall it) and flower out the “mother” till veg tent is open.


could I still use these nodes? The leaves where wilted and burned so I cut them. Is it still cloneable?


Its better if you use one that has leaves on them

I’m trying to get my plant fuller tho? Is it possible?

I really dont thing they would work since they dont have any leaves, its beter to use a branch with leaves on it, like tge one on your lower left hand side

@growtus here you go buddy

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thank you kindly!!

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No problem buddy