Cloning with aloe Vera

hey did that water clone ever make roots? I scanned through to find it but I’m guessing it didnt work.

@Budbrother… I am working on rooting some male cuttings in water. From what I could gather, the opacity of the vessel didnt matter until roots actually began forming, no? I have them in a glass vase on our dining room table (quite a nice floral arrangement actually). I put them in 6/9 so its been just under 2 weeks without any sign of roots.

They were a little bit “woodier” than I probably should have cut, but the plant is rootbound and there isnt too much new growth happening, so I found the youngest branches I could find and cut them.

I have changed the water every couple of days, adding a few drops of H2O2 as a disinfectant (per a writeup i read elsewhere). The cut areas are turning dark and seem to have some sort of maybe an algae growth on/near them? Its like a small wispy clear/cloudy blob. I probably just need to rinse the cuts off good next water change. Other than that, they look mostly happy. They are a little more “lifeless” than they were the first week, but not exactly wilted and the color is still good.

Once I get my hands on some aloe plants, I’ll be trying that route too.


For sure it did but its on my other thread i’ll tag you my friend , i just put some more in my cloner a few days a go, I’ll post pics of roots when they start showing


That clone was just put into the water the day before that pic. Let’s take a peek, shall we.

The water needs to be kept dark. That will encourage the root growth. I don’t add the h2o2 into the water, and I change it weekly. The woodier branches take sometimes a month before you actually see a root.


@growtus Oh im sorry the one in just water didn’t work for myself but like bud brother just showed us you can, we were discussing that between he and i , and i didnt coverr the roots, mabye thats why my didn’t work or mabye @Budbrother has a greener thumb than mine,:star_struck::grin::+1::+1::+1:


thanks so much for the info, fellas. Is that root system there developed enough to go into soil or does it need more time @Budbrother?

I think I just need to be a bit more patient.

The stakes are low anyways as its male cuttings and just for fun, experience and … if it works, some pollen to make a few beans.


That dark makes all the difference. True, I’ve been doing this for a while, but that shouldn’t matter. Key points: lightly scrape the stem before you make the 45° angle cut.
(notice my roots do not come from the cut section, but rather the scraped nodes.)
Immediately put into water and tap a few times. Keep them dark and in muted light.


Bud brother gots you covered @growtus ,im gona have to give it another try myself


I just went back and looked, that clone is 13 days old. Guess she needs to go into a pot.


i struck out the ones I didnt do :slight_smile:

welp, 2 outta 5 aint bad
at least not in baseball it aint.

im gonna go see about finding some less woody ones and go with your method side by side with what i have going already. thanks!


That may be misleading to someone that didn’t read my first post. Just in case, keep them dark- use a dark container, and cover the top of that container with something to keep light out.


If you want to salvage clones gone bad
Take partial leaf from aloe plant you will use as rooting agent.
Remove the clones from water and scrape off the “bark” from where it would be in soil down to bottom of cut paying particular attention to where the nodes were and stick it in the middle of the aloe leaf and get all that good growing goo on the stem and stick it in seed starter mix and mist the leaves couple times a day.
Aloe saved a couple of clones I had tried with a cloner bucket that wasn’t making roots. cuttings of many plants will root in just water like budbrother stated.

Also what’s left of the aloe leaf you mush and mix the gel goo into some water and water them with if after putting cutting in soil

Just did 12 clones this way 100% success rate
Many paths to the same destination

Edit to add when I took the cut from plant I immediately stuck it in aloe leaf to keep air out of cells than I removed and scraped bark and then stuck back in aloe leaf and then into hole in soil.


Love your style brother, excactly what i do, it has work miracles for me


Aloe is the shit!
I have powder and gel store bought cloning stuff and they’ve just sat there since after my first cloning using cloning bucket. That method was just too consuming with water ph and temps and all.
This way for me with aloe is like hitting the easy button.
No muss no fuss just spritz leaves couple times a day and keep soil moist.
A little from the top water and a little in the saucer to wick up


Im sold on aloe, ive substituted it for toothpaste, i don’t use that junk either, too many uses to list i can ramble on about aloe. :metal:



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My aloe is loving spring.


Thank you.

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Beautiful plant, my friend!!

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@boogiemann22, here a method that might work for you

@Ncgreenthumber , here you go buddy, any questions ,tag me