So I lollipopped my flowering plant and took a cutting and cloned it. How long will it take to revert back to veg state or will it just continue to grow the bud? I mistakenly found out the hard way you cant clone a fan leaf… itll only grow roots lmao and stay green.
Is that a photo or auto plant?
If it’s a photo period it should root and reveg.
If it’s an auto it just going to finish it’s cycle.
That is my understanding of cloning.
I do not know if its an auto or photo ,its been cloned over a month or so now so im guessing its an auto because the bud just keeps growing even when i kept it under light 24/7
It’s the bud growing or growth from the bud, a pic whenever you are able would help more. Or is above pic that of a month in clone?
Above pic is a month into clone id say a bit longer than a month
Then I would have to say she is an auto. I would think you would see other growth on or around the bud by now
I was of the understanding that it would switch back to veg state if i left the lights on 24/7 and i did for about a week. Still just grew bud more and the smaller leaves got a lil bigger
Ive been curious about how i culd recieve an auot from bagseed, i was given some bud from a friend and found a seed. I thought autos were specifically engineered and not natural in nature. Can you shed some light on this for me to understand how i couldve got an auto and not have known
I see the funny growth,makes sense. So its just gonna bud and then be over. Whata waste of time and effort ,but was a good learning lesson
Could have Hermes an auto. Crossbreed all kinds of things could have happened
What I do know is @Growmoredank @Growdoc @Bentstick @Storm this is just some of the group ive gone to about issue ive had an maybe I am wrong an they will correct.
I totally appreciate the advice and support . I understand alot but have only been growing this past year and have learned so much by all the mostakes ive made lmao
I’m in the same boat and time growing. Just I spend tons of time on here and online YouTube and other places learning as much as I can
How long was your plant growing B4 it started to flower?
Yep ,reading and watching how to video’s,trial and errors finally got me a good plant yet still not as good as i know i can get
Im gonna order some good strains of here. Cant seem to get any recommendations though. Do tou have a recommendation on a strain i should try off ilgm? Any recommendations would be helpful
I honestly think maybe a month
If it was that short from seedling to flower it’s definitely an auto.
Ok thx danb
Most autoflowers take only 2 months from seed to harvest whereas photoperiod strains need at least 4 months to complete their cycle.
Photos take 6-8weeks in veg alone , I mean u can flip em earlier.