Hi, new to the forum. Thanks for any help/advice.
I grew a clone from an autoflower that has weird round leaves, some sugar, but not really sticky. Did I grab the clipping from the donor too late (maybe it already started flowering)? Was it stressed into a hermie? Doesn’t look male, but doesn’t really look like buds.
I’ve been growing autos for years, but never cloned one. The cutting is going to be on the same time line as the mother, so if the mother is 3 weeks or so old, you’d have to expect the clone to start flowering almost as soon as it’s setting it’s first roots, and still very small. It won’t have it’s own clock that starts with it’s own rooting, it will be on it’s mother’s time!
From what I’ve read, the auto gene is lost after a full plant cycle. Like you can reveg an auto, but it’s not an auto anymore. It may be attempting to reveg. Only what I’ve read, so this may be wrong.
Looks just like the ones I have revegged from cuttings off plants in flower.
@Cap_Ron I am somewhat confused about the theory behind cloning autos because of all the different info I have been reading and picking up on some of the Youtube channels. ( I can THC, Dude Grows, ect.)
Theories about if autos flower due to age or time, or do they flower when the roots hit the bottom of the pot they are in? Get root bound? Giant autos in giant pots and small autos in small pots…
Sounds like an experiment to me, maybe next winter when I have some time and space I might try a few auto clones in different sized pots.
Anyhow This plant looks like it is in reveg. Can you post a pic of the whole plant? I would like to see it.
There was quite a discussion here about that last year or maybe longer ago. Some claim they can re-veg autos and then clone them. I don’t think anyone ever came up with a definitive answer. We routinely see people growing autos that are stubborn and wont start flowering until the light is reduced to 12/12. The ruderalis gene is either weak or non existent in those plants. Genetics can do that as we all know. I can see those plants possibly being re-vegged and grown as photo period plants, which they basically are I guess. One could be convinced they just cloned an autoflower plant in that scenario. My thinking is that if Autos could actually be cloned then we should see auto clones for sale on the open market. But I have never seen any auto clones for sale. These are just my observations. Nature is tricky and she will fool you at times.
That’s where I read it all from. I’m running a RQS Orion F1 Auto very, very soon with a photo. The Orion has a short life and I’d really like to try after seeing this come up again. If I can time everything right, I just may.
I have nothing to base this on except my own experiences growing autos, but I think flowering is based only on an internal clock.
I’ve never experienced an auto that didn’t go into flower when I expected it to. It’s pretty much between weeks 4 and 5. Occasionally I’ll have one go a bit early or not until week 6, but it’s rare. I’ve seen the posts here many times about autos not flowering yet in week 10 or further, and I’ve always just assumed people’s seeds got mixed up or something because it’s never happened to me.
I gave up cutting clones when I quit growing photos. Part of the fun of autos for me is the anticipation of what it’s going to grow into. Sticking with good quality breeders certainly doesn’t ensure every plant will carry elite genetics, but I’d say at least 60% of my Mephisto plants are top notch, and the rest are still great. Only once in a while do I get one that doesn’t thrill me.
I guess if it’s for experimentation purposes, or just to have fun with it, I could see cloning an auto, but I don’t see it being very productive. I’d be happy to be wrong about that if anyone finds a way to pull it off!
Thanks for the info. I’m still new to growing and thought I’d give cloning a shot just to have the full experience.
On any other forum this would have been an all out knock down drag out full blown argument of epic proportions. Here its just a Sunday afternoon front porch chat.
I truly enjoy this place.
Yeah, this is definitely a unique place among the many forums out there!
Very cool. Maybe you’ve uncovered an ancient genome of marijuana lol
Hey @Adrjon99 , look up Aussie Bastard Cannabis
I can hide that one in my Wifey’s flower garden
I would love to be able to grow outside and this is an interesting option.
THC levels only around 5 to 10% at this point. I know breeders are working to see if they can get it higher. Maybe one day they will.
Facts growmie @Spiney_norman ,I’m in prohibition land and just waiting for the word. The wifey and I are plant people of all types and growing outside would a dream.
Missouri here. Was actually floored when the state legalized growing back in 2018. I fear even if the federal govt were to lift prohibition that a few ultra conservative states will still keep it illegal. I am reminded of a reporters words when alcohol prohibition was enacted. He wrote something to the effect that now that everything has been done to make prohibition the law of the land, that the only thing left was for people to actually STOP drinking. This has gone on much longer, but nobody has ever really stopped smoking weed.
@Spiney_norman ,Been smoking since I was 14yrs old and now 40yrs old without any side effects. It’s kept me off of pills and other bad stuff. I’m in a state with a backward ass governor that rather worry about killing babies( abortion) than healing it’s people. I’m scared the bible belt will never change:person_facepalming: it stance on it. My family thinks I’m a drug addict for smoking and hasn’t spoken to me in 10yrs:rofl: but they drink like fish. I guess it’s ok cause the government said it’s cool… It’s not fair you can snort a line of whatever on Friday night and pass a drug test on Monday compared to what we have to deal with.
My doctor drug tests me at times because I take prescription painkillers.
Weed actually makes my pain worse more often that not so my use is mostly late night before bed to help sleep. My health system has web access to my patient record and I can see when she schedules the pee test and i will stop 3 weeks ahead if I don’t want a lecture.
Honestly, since even recreational is legal now, I don’t know how they can justify testing for it now. Would be like testing for beer.
If my doctor tested for weed, and told me about it. I think I would piss all over his office, crap in a pringles tube, and leave a sign I hid the duke. F that sheet.
Hate to hear it makes it worse that’s a bummer. Glad it helps you sleep though. My grandma is in a legal state and has to do the same thing. I would understand testing if it affects other meds but just to be nosey they can kick rocks on that one. I grew cannatonic just for pain last run. It’s amazing at headaches and muscle pain but doesn’t get you stoned so I use it for my morning smoke.