Chlorine neutral drops

I usually fill my jugs for water and just leave them sitting for a day. I have a couple lizards and snakes and we use the drops that neutralize the chlorine for their water. Am I able to use those or the fish ones in my water for my plants, or stick to the tried and true just let it breathe? It’d be nice not to need as much bench/counter space for buckets when the plants need more.


I used the reptisafe drops for multiple grows. Didn’t seem to hurt the plants at all.


Good to know! That’s what I use for the chameleon and uromastyx. Thanks!


I just mix mine straight out of tap and have no problems. Chlorine can be a problem i suppose but i never seen it. My tap is always around 160 tds.

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No harm in using the tablets or drops to remove chlorine but Chlorine will gas off in a 24 hour period. Chloramine is a different story and if present in your tap, it will need to be filtered or they have tabs for that too.

Here is a snippet from the CDC website…
Will chloramine affect my pets or plants?

Chlorine and chloramine are toxic to fish, other aquatic animals, reptiles and amphibians. Unlike humans and other household pets, these types of animals absorb water directly into the blood stream. Don’t keep these animals in water that contains these disinfectants. Unlike chlorine, chloramine cannot be removed by letting water sit out for a few days. However, products are available at aquarium supply stores that can remove chloramine. Ask your local pet store about methods of removing disinfectants from water for these pets.