MY water is 75° so idé on a chiller Think I need water chiller have 4 bucket dwc?
MY water is 75° so idé on a chiller Think I need water chiller have 4 bucket dwc?
67-69°F is the ideal range you’re looking for. Frozen water bottles can get you by but you have to rotate them out.
Ultimately a chiller may be the answer to control temperatures.
Yes a chiller it is.
But think if some grower can give me name on Good one.
@Myfriendis410 has one, I’m sure he can recommend his.
I bought a 1/4 horse over the 1/10th horse as it was only $10 more. You just want one suitable for saltwater aquariums.
You have link to that you use?
If I might add, make sure you get a water pump that is also rated for salt water. I made that mistake.
Good luck!
Pictures of your setup! We like pictures.
It’s about $100 more than when I bought it in 2018.
Hey thanks for good input so I need that big thing for my 4 bucket in 3x3 ok so that 1-3 L in hour is to low.
You will set the flow rate based on the pump you buy to go with it.
What ppm to start a auto in dwc start whid 200 then 350 now 450 but still angry missing calmag all grow rost spot now she start flower what nute you Think week 3 start flower she is hungry.