Checking In (Newbie)

Hi all!

We’re at 3 weeks and 2 days. I know the bottom growth is gnarly and she’s leggy, but I feel like the top is looking good? Advice for these next few weeks? I killed my first three by making some silly mistakes, so I’m already doing better with this one haha.

She has been on from sunrise to sundown with other plants on my decks the last 3-4 days after some limited exposure. Potted in happy Monkey soil.

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She is ready for her forever home. Looks good.
You can add to your original post. It makes it easy cuz u probably have more info on the original thread.


Thank you! I did add it there but got impatient (it had been less than an hour I think haha).

When I put into 5 gallon grow bag - and please tell me if this makes sense - I’m thinking of putting it in the grow bag while still IN this plastic pot, but just cutting the bottom out of the plastic pot. I don’t want the loose soil to crumble everywhere and damage the roots.

I think some cut bottom off of other fab pots, not sure about the plastic. Someone should have an answer for you soon.

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I would thank you could have some root bound issues but that may just be me.

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Before moving to new home, * water * cup well
Vulcan finger spread around plant stalk and invert. Pre size and position receiving hole for root cup.

Fill cup trial (no opinion, yet)


Great advice! How deep should I bury the stem when I transplant? Up to the 2 leaves that aren’t true, or higher?

You can bury that stem all the way up to the first set of serrated leaves, it’ll start shooting out roots and giving you the beginnings of a healthy root system. You definitely want to take out of the plastic pot. Anything that restricts root growth is a bad idea. Those peat pots are a huge waste of time too, btw.
More roots = healthy shoots!

Awesome, thanks. I’ll move it in the next day or 2 to the 5 gallon!

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That’s funny Dave

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@Skeebone333 I agree with @beachglass about transplanting her. That overhead shot shows you likely have a good enough root system to flip that pot upside down in your hand and have a perfect form hold together. She’s ready to get it on!! Good luck!! :+1:t2::green_heart::seedling:


Nice! Tomorrow is the day.

Transplanted Friday - I think all good so far! Will be 4 weeks old tomorrow. Anything I need to do for the next couple weeks aside from water? In happy Monkey soil now, will stay on deck in 5 gall pot unless weather gets nasty.

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@Skeebone333 Time to get to the growing now lol!!