"CHAT"Northern Lights #5 BX Community Grow Off Chat

Woah! That’s is some luck right there!


Need to play lotto with that kinda luck​:grin::metal::metal:


That’s superrrrr!!!


This is that FIM cut today!



A tad off topic but I’m starting to feel like dab carts and some concentrates are ruining cannabis. Don’t get me wrong I used to enjoy them quite a bit and they have their place. However, it seems to make people smoke and appreciate actual bud less. For me flower is the main show. This leads me to why I’m making this comment. So my last grow was wedding cake. Produced some excellent bud, takes me a pinch and I’m too high (happens more than not). I gave out a few ounces for Christmas to some fam that predominately uses concentrates. I wanted to get feedback but haven’t really, and the only one who did said it did nothing for them. Makes me feel like crap thinking I grew some subpar stuff when I know it’s up there with dispensary at least in potency. My wife uses carts but HHC/D8 and it’s hit or miss if it does anything but when she takes a break is get’s her extremely baked. Anyone else experience this or have that kind of feedback?


I’m very old school: I prefer my cannabis rolled. Flower today is too potent to enjoy a doobie. Friend of mine complained about this to me so I gave him some larf and trim: he’s loving that.

I do dabs daily and prefer it as I’m not smoking cellulose in the pipe.


I completely agree stuff is way to strong nowadays. I used to dab daily as well before I took a few years break from cannabis. It is great for those who want to steer away from combustibles. I’m looking at getting a ball vape so I can use flower with a dab rig setup but not actually light the flower on fire.

My brother in law who was one of the ones to get some flower rolled a blunt and smoked it all and said he got nothing from it. Really made me feel disappointed, especially when I know it’s plenty potent.


If it wasnt for @merlin44 I wouldnt have my LOBO, which is my daily go to nowadays. I normally am a hand rolled doobie smoker, with pipes and stuff for quick hits on the go, but this lobo has changed the game for me.

Its like i can take my Extreme Q vape anywhere in my pocket. The carts you pack with dry bud make it so i pack 9 and it last me all through out the day, and i typically have a few left at the end of the day! It has definitely cut down on my flower use, all while boosting flavor and the effects!


I have a lobo waiting to be bought after the vaporize thread from not long ago. That might be the solution I need to help with my issues.

Also, for some reason unknown to me I no longer build a tolerance now. Which to some would probably be amazing but for me with how strong stuff is, kind of sucks. I can smoke several times a day, every day, and the same amount hit’s me just as hard as the first time. Which usually leads to anxiety/panic sadly. I might need to try out some lower THC strains or ones with equal CBD. I used to be able to do gram dabs like it was nothing but now wouldn’t even dream of dabbing.


I have a dry herb vape (Alternate by Vivant) that does a great job of vaping flower.


Gimme a bag and a pack of Job’s over a cart any day


This is a ball vape for those not familiar, they are fairly new.

I hope the link is allowed.

If not here is a pic


I was making my own carts and dabbing. Also had a dry flower vaporizer, but eventually went back to rolling joints. A joint lasts me 1 or 2 relites. I take a few hits and put it out then relite later. One of the things I look for in the weed I grow is, how it tatse on the 2nd and 3rd lite. The guy that works for me smokes concentrates all the time. He say he doesn’t get high off flower unless he smokes a lot, lot, and that gives him a headache.


I wish I knew people who smoked flower more. I’d be giving it away haha. Not sure I’d give it out to primarily concentrate users to save me some ego punches. Father in law is really big into cannabis and was hoping to get a good review but not heard anything since so making me think he too isn’t getting much from it due to concentrates but probably thinks it’s my bud.


Id love to have a share day with you guys and all of us swap a gram or 2 with one another! Thats would be killer lol like a futuristic farmers market.


That would be awesome. I’d love to try out peoples homegrown.


Good thing about the roach jar is you don’t need to go buy a pack of papers.


I would really like to meet a few of you potheads and see if some are cool as you say you are :joy: :thinking:


I just knock the cherry off and set it down on my coffee table or dressing or counter or any flat surface within my reach at the moment. There are 1/2 smoked joints and roaches all over my house. I roll 4-5 joints a day regardless. Every now and then I clean up all the roaches and toss them.