Caveman’s Journal- Autos with Grow Dots

Well they didn’t have Mothers Earth coco today so I got some roots organics 70/30. The guy at the shop said it was good, I’ve been using roots organics original so I figured why not.
Going to try coco and grow dots and ac infinity bases this time around.


Water day today for the tent. While I did pick up some epsom salt today, I went with straight water all around the tent.
Water was 6.6/310 and each base got 1 gallon of water.

Lilac Diesel


Banana Daddy

I also planted the apple fritter today.

This is an Apple Fritter Auto from ILGM.
I’m using Roots Organics 70/30 coco mix and grow dots at the heavy rate of 15 tsp (5per/gal) in a 3 gal grow bag.

Happy Monday folks!


Yesterday I decided to give the Banana Daddy a haircut and I went a little heavy on the trimming. I was initially a little worried I went a little over the top, but it bounced back nicely by the end of today.

Banana Daddy


At this point I was pretty nervous! They always look worse right after a good trimming, but damn! I was thinking I screwed up.
24 hours after:


Happy Friday folks! Water day today here.
I mixed things up a little bit today and added something I’ve never added.
I found an unopened jar of Fox Farms Cha Ching in my supplies that I’ve been wanting to try so I gave in and gave er a try today.
Each big plant got 1/4 tsp in a gallon of water like the jar recommended.
The 2 flowering plants got 1 gallon each with 1/4 teaspoon of Cha Ching-6.6/380
Banana Daddy- 1 gallon-2ml of calmag-6.7/310
Apple Fritter(seed)- straight water-1 cup-6.6/210

Sherbert: 62ish days old

Lilac Diesel: 62ish days old

Banana Daddy: 27 days old

Apple Fritter: just breaking soil


The tent is currently running at 78 degrees and 50%rh.


@Caligurl I was wondering if I could ask you about the qwet method and chocolates.

You said you dry it in a silicone dish, would a Pyrex be ok or do you suggest silicone?
Also, how much does it make with 1 oz of flower? Do you use it all in the chocolate or does this make multiple batches?

Picked up some everclear the other day, broke up the flower, ordered some silicone wax containers and fixing to make some in the next day or two.
Thank you in advance.


I recommend silicon… the end product is super sticky and it’s almost impossible to get it off of glass. Before I got my Source Turbo, I used a silicon 8x8 baking dish


Silicone dish will be here tomorrow. Thanks again


Water day today!
The girls just got straight water today.
6.4/250 going in, each got a gallon of water in their base.

Sherbert: day 66ish

Lilac Diesel: day 66ish

Banana Daddy: day 31

Apple Fritters: day 1

Also, my order from Memphisto came yesterday. I’m looking forward to getting these growing.


Another water day has come and gone. I’m not sure why, but all the bases were bone dry last night. Typically I’d go another day, but I figured what the hell and filled the bases again last night.

Sherbert: day 69ish± it got 1/4 tsp of Fox Farms ChaChing in a gallon of water.

Lilac Diesel: day 69- 1/4 tsp of ChaChing in a gallon of water. Breeder says 70-80 days on this one. Definitely still has a week at least left.

Banana Daddy: day 34. 1 gallon of straight water. I did a little trim and lst on this last night.

Apple Fritters: day 4. I gave 4 cups of water top watered. I put the rest in the base. I put water in the base the other day and the level did not change I don’t believe. I’m assuming it’s because the plant is not wanting the extra water so it’s not sucking it up. That being said, this plant I’m using coco, maybe it’s different with the bases?


@Caligurl Quick question for you regarding the qwet method again.
Just for all the silicon pan and storage deals. Going to start the process tonight. Decarb tonight, freeze it and then mix it together tomorrow and what not.
My question for you, when decarbing you said 240 at 1 hour. Is 250 at 1 hour going to be ok? Or should I shorten the time?


Should be fine. Just watch it around 50 minutes and if it appears to be turning too dark a brown, pull it… but it should be perfectly fine


Thank you!
I need to proof read before posting more often it looks like. Sorry about the typos.
I meant to say I got all the silicon deals…


Happy Monday and Happy Labor Day! I hope you all had a good weekend!
Water day today as well for the tent. They all got straight ph’d water tonight @ 6.6/260, each got a gallon in their bases. Things are moving along nicely with the 4 inside. I’m thinking I have about a week left before harvest, maybe 2 tops for them both.
I trimmed some of the larger fan leaves off of the lilac diesel tonight. I normally have never trimmed anything off a plant this late in flower, I wanted to get some light to some lower bud sites though. I hope this doesn’t bite me in the ass at the finish line. I also trimmed some of the dead leaves off of the sherbert. This one is sort of limping along to the finish line…at this point I’m just trying to get her there. lol
I gave a pretty good haircut to the Banana Daddy today. I took mostly stuff from underneath. I ended up taking more than I normally would, but I’m hoping I can increase the growth up top. The Sherbert has a lot of larfy, spindly growth on the underside that I didn’t get rid of apparently. I was/am trying to eliminate that with this one.
The apple fritters is growing good. I do think I’m noticing a difference in growth rate between the soil and coco at this stage.

Sherbert: day 72ish

Lilac Diesel: day 72ish

Banana Daddy: day 37

Apple Fritter: day 8

Happy growing folks!


Another Friday, another water day…
What’s up growmies, I hope you all are doing well and have big things planned for your weekends.
Today I watered the plants in my tent. The ones on the left got 1 gallon each with 1/4 tsp of cha Ching @ 6.6/420.
The ones on the right got ph’d water @ 6.6/310 in their bases and each got 4 cups of water with recharge over the top.

Sherbert: 76ish days old

This one has been adding weight the last few days. I trimmed off most of the really ugly leaves and it has responded well.

Lilac Diesel: 76ish days old

Banana Daddy: 41 days old

Apple Fritter: 13 days old

This one is in coco and growing fast. I really don’t know if I’ve ever had this much growth this early.

Have a good day folks!


@Caligurl I made some qwet today. Or I did the qwet method? Not really sure, but I followed your instructions on your thread.
Currently have a fan blowing on it in a baking dish just waiting to see how it turns out.

Also, I was wondering if I could get some opinions on when to top this one. It is 13/14 days old from seed. Not sure if I top it now or wait another week.
What do you all think? Thank you in advance.


When do you folks think I should chop these two? Going on day 77ish for both of them.


Lilac Diesel:


the qwet looks fine… it will take a bit to dry that out.

As far as the plants, there are still a lot of white hairs and clear trichomes (especially the Lilac Diesel).

The hairs don’t look like there is a lot fox-tailing going on either (which would make it hardt o see the older trichomes)…


@Caligurl took the words out of my fingers.

Almost there…

Looking very nice @Caveman86!


Could I get some help with this one please?
The leaves started taco’ing this morning and I’m not really sure why.

I did turn my light down and raise it a couple inches. I was thinking that could be the culprit.
I also dumped the water in the base and figured I’d let everything dry out and refill it in the morning.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


@Caligurl the qwet turned out good. At least as far as I know.

It is the worst scraping it out of there. I don’t have a dab tool, but I had an extra dental pick that I used. Was not the most fun, but I got it done. Going to make chocolates in the next day or two and enjoy this weekend.