Thats almost as bad as my husband and I sit to smoke and we say to the dog. Do you want puff puff and she just about gets whiplash coming to us. Grant you she is a chocolate lab/pit.
Lol cute.
That’s too funny! I had two dogs when I was a teenager that would follow the blunt around the circle and sit in front of who had it trying to get shotguns or exhales whatever they could. My current pack (five) all hate smoke. Go figure.
My pets all hate the smoke (they are all under 5 and young animals tend to shy away from smoke) but they absolutely LOVE the fresh leaves! My bully/mastiff cross, Penny Lane, will bark and cry when i am defoliating till i start passing out the greens!! Rocky will do anything that Penny does (St.Bernard cross with ???) And the cat has a tendancy towards young seedlings and clones👿… my biggest issue is Penny Lane tho… she will go “get her salad on” any chance she gets… self serve bottomless salad bar would be her preference!!!
Y cat can’t stand smoke yet tries to eat ally plants I think she just needs some normal grass to eat. My friend over the pond in the UK says he has had numerous cars become addicted to eating cannabis leafs that they crave the taste and it settles there stomach. I have noticed the main plant my cat goes for is the lemon bannanna sherbet so she’s obviously picking the sweetest tasting definitely sweet smelling
My white one ate and smoked every day of his life until he passed at 17 years
The black one has been eating it since I adopted her and she waits by the closet every day waiting for her morning leaf and her afternoon leaf
But she has recently found butter and really likes that
Beautiful cats y’all
keep those cats away from your pot! They will destroy it! One of my cats ate my clones! Little bastard!
My cat only goes after my clones and seedlings, finding the older plants too bitter. But, my dogs BOTH love sun leaves. They dont care about bud, dont like the smoke, BUT TOTALLY LOVE the sun leaves!! Its excellent for thier health and digestion. Also, i have noticed a reduction in the frequency my needing to give the St. Bernard anti inflammatory meds. He has a few leaves every other day, as well as a vitamin regiment instead of steroids and pain killers. I believe it will extend his life as well as keep him healthier to avoid those Vet-meds
My cats eat one every day one tends to like the sugar leafs and little buds I keep a plant growing at all times for them I believe it helps there health I had one cat that just passed away after 18 years he ate and he loved to smoked also