I have read up on people using the Crock-Pot to make cannabutter. It seems as the general rule is a pound of butter for every ounce of MJ. According to my math, I should be able to do 1 stick of butter and 1/4 oz of MJ. Will that burn in the Crock-Pot since it isn’t a pound of butter?
I can’t speak from experience about the large crockpot. I’m pretty sure that if it is a newer one (mine is over 35 years old) you should be okay to try it. I combine 1 pound butter with 1 cup water and let the butter melt. Then I add 1 ounce decarb trim. Recover the pot and stir it two or three times over the next 20-24 hours. Then strain. Since you’re going to do 1/4 in a large crockpot, I “think” I would go less time and keep an eye on it. I’m going to tag @AnneBonny as she has more experience than I do
I’m pretty new at this myself and learning as I go. You can freeze excess for later use for at least 3 months from what I read. I’m going to save the cooked & drained trim next time for canine edibles. I just found that recipe online and if it works it will be great for my older dogs. I have to cook in the garage and it’s too cold to leave the door open for odor so I’m not going to make any for a while.
You absolutely can. The water just keeps it from scorching and separates after anyway. I always freeze my butter and coconut oil out of precaution of it going rancid. Good luck and thanks for the tag @SmoknGranny