So just getting ready for another round I have 5candydawg and 5banana blaze in soak also I have 2 unknown I was sent 2psychoberry 2cheisel and 2chem91 crosses so they’ll be either 1 of those 3strains here’s the 2 randoms I’ve just started off
Haven’t seen you around much. Good luck with new grow. Keep us updated.
I’m watching you!!! Lol good luck
Just been sorting out some family life stuff and enjoying the fruits of my labour I’ve had the odd little browse on here but mainly just reading and liking, thanks for your support guys
Looking good.
Thank you I’m a bit worried about the heat but I’ve got no choice but to work through it not really done anything yet other then oversee them as to small to touch the cutting has been lst to make it more bushy she was a bit leggy for my liking when I got her
Can anyone advise me about secret outdoor grows I have 3 autos I want to put somewhere it’s illegal where I live so hence the secret part if I was to plant them now do you think it will have long enough to finish nicely yield is not important here it’s just to see if it can be done where I plan to put it without anyone finding it
@repins12 was a outdoor guerrilla grower. Not sure if he can give advice on secret grow as far as something on your own property.
Where do you plan to put it???
No not on my own property it’s on some land that’s just been left for years it’s fenced off so not to many people go on there biggest threat I can think of will be rabbits and or bugs I’ve lived near to it my whole life and only ever been on there twice my question is more on will they have enough time to finish I’m unsure on outdoor season I should add I’m from the u.k if that makes any sort of difference
If they are autos, as long as you have warm weather long enough, they should be fine. The autos don’t take near as long to finish out as the photos, usually. How much longer do you have that the average nighttime average temp won’t get below the mid 50"s?
Only just missed the start of outdoor season by a couple weeks so should be good were above average temps for this time of the year at the moment so that’s of no worry to me I’m starting them off indoors till their big enough to not be destroyed instantly so maybe a week indoors then move to the spot I’m going to the site today to check things over and dig out a resting place for them I have 2 critical xxl auto and a mazar auto that I’m going to put down
Those photos was took at 7am in the morning sun had been up a hour or 2 by then
That looks like a pretty worn trail. I would want to be well off of it and never enter my grow from same path. Just my opinion. Area looks killer though.