Tagging you @MattyBear because I think you’re a moderator?
I created a form that I use for growing, yeah, I’m a nerd that way sometimes. I’ve attached an image of part of it, incase it’s not allowed. I thought maybe it might be useful for others. And I’m getting ready to modify it, so I thought others with more experience would be able to provide some insight or ideas on what else might be beneficial to include in the form if it was something that I could share with others. This could be used for just one plant per page or for a grow with multiple plants. Also, it could be filled out on a computer or printed and handwritten.
great idea @JonnyPM i am new so don’t have much to offer except that i am on 6 hr on 2 hrs off for my lighting so you might want to add that one. some are using that on here now.