Can’t get great pics ( Tricombs and hairs) readyish?

Can anyone tell when it’s time to harvest these I can’t get great pics ant they are white widow autos we are at about the 9 to 10 week growth mark 80days give or take here are the best pics I can get… any help is appreciated thank you!

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@ThatsNotMineOfficer @Borderryan22 @spankyjr1 @merlin44


Man it’s tough. You’re close. Is there anyway you can get a cheap wifi scope off Amazon?


Still have some white pistols getting close
When did it start to flower or have buttons?
Guessing about 2 more weeks
Have you gone to water only and reduced light?

WiFi scope never heard of it! Lol

It’s about 7th week of flower and no to the light and water.

Sorry had to get brand out. Just type USB microscope. They use wifi…


I will buy it in a couple of days!


Then I would go water only at the beginning of week 8 and reevaluate after finishing week 8
you don’t want to harvest too early and be disappointed
If you can get the scope you can really see the trichomes up close


I will get the scope order on Tuesday or Wednesday until then I’m going to try to get a picture of them with a iPhone 13 pro camera I think we will be able to see them then and wow that photo is amazing! @spankyjr1 and I’ll throw a couple small buds off there on the dehydrator see how that is I’ve been clipping small buds here and there smoking them anyway lol

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that one works great.


Just an off the wall question, why does weed smell like grass when it’s fresh and ground down? Anyone know is it because the chlorophyll is still in the plant?

Yes; that’s what the cure will accomplish. It will convert much of that into CO2 and water. Grove bags are a good way to cure but for long term storage use Mason Jars.

FYI when you take your samples with the microscope you want to sample flower calyx. The easiest way to get good pics is to clip a TINY sample of flower from two or three different colas, put on a sheet of white paper and set up your scope on the kitchen table. WAY more steady:


Thanks for the tip

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What it looks like out of the dehydrator! Pretty nice high to it too had the munchies like hell too!


I’ve got one of those Wi-Fi scopes, but could never get the Wi-Fi to work.

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Are you Technology-inclined? Tech can sometimes be a real pain in the ass! And I had to read about them to because different brands work with different phones like the one that @Borderryan22 (correction) posted up there :point_up_2: doesn’t work with iPhones so I have to get a different more expensive one of course lol @Dexterado

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I’m so NOT technologically inclined, when the pandemic started and it was homeschool for all the kids, I almost broke 2 laptops and an s20 trying to access different homework pages and other crap. Hell I cried with my stepdaughter we got so dang confused :rofl::rofl::rofl:


On the usb microscope, had a storm and lost power. You should be able to run a USB cord from from scope to phone, worked for me have the same 30$ one off Amazon I think a lot of us have


:rofl::man_shrugging::rofl::man_shrugging: Too Hilarious

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