I need to add a humidifier to my grow room. Should I use water that has proper ph? Or can I use regular tap water?
Ph doesn’t matter but the type of water to use depends on the type of humidifier, 2 types out there - evaporatives ones you can use tap water just fine but the smaller misting type humidifiers - for those best to use distilled or RO as tap water will give you white dust everywhere from the minerals in tap water.
They get gross with mold and stuff you need to clean them regularly too.
Best to use demineralized water so deposits don’t build up and ruin your equipment. It can get expensive so what I did was get 2 5 gallon bucks. Cut a hole in the lid of one and a hole in the bottom of the other. Then put a zero water filter in it. Will need to seal it with calk. The bucket come in very handy though. !