Can autos be trimmed

Fan leaves are really big.Can they be removed


Yeah they can just treat it as you would a photoperiod and dont take too many at one sitting and try and give the plant a few days on between to recover. Inwould personally try to tuck them outta the way first, yes this is a constant battle and time consuming but your leaves will still help photosynthesize instead of being removed and dead. Either way will work it’s just removing them slightly sets back growth and can be more detrimental to your overall productivity. Your plant looks great btw, beautiful tones of green!!

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Thank u.I’ll tuck’em away


Very nice healthy looking plant. I agree with @Dbpooper. It is a Balancing Act.

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@Thumper1, I agree with all above :point_up_2: above. I have the tendency to get a little more aggressive with my plants than most. Your plants are looking great :+1::+1::+1::+1::v:. By the way I am set to watching now, I hope that you don’t mind :v:


Thumper1 are you the same user as @Thumper?

Or completely different people?

It’s all good

Different I’m guessing.I originally tried Thumper had to add the 1