Burp question RH

I harvested my two outdoor photo plants in three phases–the branches that were ripped off in a wind storm, the central branches, then all of the side branches. The first two batches had RH of 62 when jarred. I think I let the third batch hang a bit too long and the RH is 51 or 52 in those jars. Is that okay for the long haul, or should I spend money to add bovedas to each jar? That gets pricey… cannabis


Seems pretty low. I would use method you’re most confident in to try bringing up.

If it were me, I would spring for the Bovedas:


Is size 8 ok for those jars? I got size 67 for the 32 oz jars i ordered based off their website, which wasnt a ton of help

Boveda 62% RH 2-Way Humidity Control | Size 67 in 4-Count Resealable Bag Amazon.com

I used these in my quart jars. But it was a guess. They seemed to work OK, but I only needed to come up from 55-56%

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Thank you. The quart jars hold about an oz or a little more, so looks like size 8 is the way to go.


I would ass/u/me, that if you needed to, you could use 2 per jar. Or even a size 8 plus a size 4 per jar.

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I’ve heard some people use a slice of apple or lettuce leaves to help bring up there humidity.


:joy: havent seen that joke in awhile.

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I’m old! :rofl:

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Arent we all :sob:

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@BobbyDigital did i post that link wrong? Just trying to avoid it in the future

No it’s good. Just needed to add the ILGM tag

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