You clearly have bugs. Maybe I’m misunderstanding the question. Plants still look good though
Time to spend some time in the garden. Wash each plant clean.
Wipe each leaf with a very soft towel and H2O.
Spray the entire plant with a bug spray. We like Captain Jacks. Get the stalks, under side of foilage and top of foilage. Srpay the entire plant again.
Mix up another round of bug spray and spray all around the plant. The pot, the dirt, the grasses. Everything!
Spray again the following day.
Skip a few days and spray again.
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I was thinking it was a a cal/mag defincany but the more I was keeping an eye on it noticed bugs. I over think about alot of things and seem to become obsessed with it.
Would it be okay to use garden dust? She showed her sex early and is starting to flower
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Not sure about garden dust.
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Thanks I’ll look into Captain Jack’s bug spray
Other than those hoppers and their damage, the plants look good. I have issues with snails. Neem oil does nothing. Jack’s helps until it rains. Luckily the slow, flight impaired bastards avoid sticky traps
Thanks! I topped her once then low stress train she’s as wide as she is tall. I use cloth pots and really didn’t want to use any pesticides. It’s been a humid,hot month and a half so bugs are really thriving. Previously I’ve just let the spiders take care of It. Here is a picture for size reference
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I use DE since the earwigs are eating up the leaves of the sunflowers and pumpkins. I found a nifty powder duster thing on Amazon for a couple of bucks that works okay for application. Best to you!
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That’s what I hate about outdoors. I have big lights running, a bunch of tiki torches and have a company come spray every month. They just keep coming.
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I’ve used southern ag for my vegetables a few years back. It did well but I really don’t like using pesticides. I thought that it would mess with the ph and ppm as the rain would wash it off
That would be negligible. Spinosad (captain Jack’s) is organic and safe for humans but it can kill honeybees and some beneficial predatory pests. Snails don’t seem to care whether the plant has spinosad on it or not.
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I’ve used “sevin” and it works…it kills EVERYTHING that ingests the plant….however if not wanting to use pesticides I’ve heard baking flour sprinkled on your plants will stop bugs too…still requires ingestion tho….damned if ya do damned if ya don’t…keep vigilante and you’ll make it through harvest cause your plants look very lovely!
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Btw I haven’t tried the baking flour yet so if you do please tag me and let me know how it worked cause I’m an outdoor guy
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You can also look into the benefits of molasses
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I used unsulfered molasses on my last 2 grows but they were inside
I cleaned them up and sprayed them down with the captain Jack’s dead bug spray
@hockeydad360 I would say yes on the unsulfered molasses. We use it weekely in our teas and it’s amazing. The microbes really thrive and feed off the high amounts of sugars. Once you mix the humus, fish/crab/shrimp and the molasses. Whatch out garden because my soil is going to come alive lol
You are in good hands with @grizZz.
Happy growing…
Sweet thanks guys I’ll keep ya posted on how they progress. I just wish they were good genetics. I used random seeds but the person who gave them to me said it was killer