When I was younger, I practiced safe sex, sometimes.
Personal choices.
3-New Food grade 5gal-buckets
5-gal water times 4,
six bottles H2O2,
Above, Used wash water, smelled nice like weed.
Looked like Not drinkable bayou sludge water.
Below, pictured, and now they dry
And my newest “Dry
All has been washed and inspected.
Seeds still present in hanging buds.
Will it be worth it? No clue.
I am stuck, calendar dated harvest, not trichome selected for maturity.
Rain and cool temps.
Dry time and departure dates set.
I can understand not washing, but I had critters to kill.
I sprayed pure-crop 1 and I wash to practice the routine.
They are drying now.
Wax on, Wax-off, practitioner.
PNW Rot season beginning.
Tossed any rot plants, life is too short,
As said by
Lesson 420-Harvesting and Washing Weed.
Commercial weed selling and sales make more profit money if weed weighs more.
Bugs and dirt weigh, I would guess.
Disclaimer and TBT
Without the PNW rain (7inches in 10 days) last week, my weed would probably be dirtier and more bugs. Only found 3 ladybugs riding the weed.
1500 released last month (500 in tent an the rest outdoors.