My Blue Dream auto is about 23/24 days into flower here, and there’s a lot of buds, but all are small compared to the pictures I see others post f their auto’s. Will these get much larger from here, or will I have a lot of tiny airy buds?
Looking good for their age. They will bulk up over the next few weeks. Patience is the key…
Lighting is critical for dense buds.
Also by removing (and eating) those smaller lower buds that won’t get much light will send more energy to those that are getting the best light.
One plant under 2-HLG 100 Rspecs. This auto grew a lot bigger than I expected, almost fills out my entire 3x3 tent. I had to put plant #2 I started a month later outside because she had no room.
You might wanna consider tying those mothers down and “flatten” the curve lol.
Tabletop it.
Not too late just do it slowly
For being autos and under only 200w those are monsters man nice job and yes they will bulk up and fill in just keep being patient you have easily 3 to 4 more weeks
I’m scared to mess with this first plant too much, reading auto’s can be bitchy about stressing them. I am experimenting with the second plant though, pruned her like a photo. Not worried to mess her up.
@GardenGrove how many weeks did she veg before she started to show flowers?
This was March 13th. So call it 4.5/5-weeks?
Edit: accidentally put two pics, the larger was March 15th.
This is an immature plant can’t expect full delicious strawberries from it jet , let the plant ripen-
your plant right nowDam she had a good veg time she come from ilgm?
Yes, my first ILGM purchase.
A little light on the lights. You still have 6-7 weeks and they will fill out more. The buds further than 18 - 24 inches from the light probably won’t amount to much.
I should clarify, more than 18 - 24 inches from the light includes any light. The further away the light is, that bud receives less PPFD and lower DLI so it will not do as well as those receiving higher PPFD
About day 26, got a good FF trio feeding today after letting them get ever so slightly wilted on the lower leaves, read that’s a good way to get nutrient uptake. Trichomes starting to come in better now over last few days, and she’s not stretching anymore thank god. Hoping the buds will fill in and fatten up.
Day 28, slowly fattening up, this ILGM auto completely fills my 3x3 tent, wall-to-wall, and 52” tall.
She got a water today with molasses and King Crab. Now the patience game for another 5-6 weeks.
Plant #2, definitely experimenting with this one. No room in the tent, so she’s outside, and I topped her after my puppy bent her over and broke her main stem low at a 90-degree angle. She sprouted on April 15thish. She’s nowhere near the size of my tented girl at the same age, curious if she puts out fatter buds.