i have a 2 auto blue dreams that are going on a month old and have started to bud. What could have caused this ? Is there any chance at re-vegging ? Thanks
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Autos do what they want, when they want. They won’t
Reveg due to even at 12/12 to 24/0 they still produce flowers around 30 days.
Like MrPeat stated. Auto start pre-flowering around week 4 and there’s no going back to veg. The flower cycle is on my deiwnd
Light has no affect on autos you can give them 24/7 light and they’ll flower that’s the good and bad thing about autos and why it’s recommended to not train them except for lst because if you mess up you can’t add veg time to fix your mistakes
Also pics didnt show. Try to repost them if possible
This string answered the question I was going to ask (can I pinch off the buds so the plants can grow more?). My blue cheese autoflowers are only about 15 inches tall and are budding. Bummer. The two plants in the back (not autoflower) are big and bushy and growing well in the same soil. Maybe I messed up somehow. A couple of pictures added so you can see how small they are.
Any thoughts? Thanks!
Welcome to the community newbieWA, it’s too late to remove anything on the autos other than some light foliage removal. Autos grow fast and recover slow stunting growth. Typical LST on autos is usually done around week 3 not counting the 10-14 days germ and seedling stage. You could start lightly tieing the side branches down to create more air movement, and expose some bud sites to the sun that would be shaded by the upper growth.
@cookeygooddog that’s what autos do my man!!
@newbieWA go for photos next year, you’ll love it
I don’t think it is anything you have done or haven’t done. Autos due their own thing when they want to.
Autos are typically smaller than photos.
Thank you. Learning a lot this growing season!
Yep, my two photos are four feet tall. First time with autos (bought them because I got a late start this year) so am at the beginning of the learning curve. So, thanks!
Not in flower. N def not in flower with autos.
U can however pinch the lower (suckers) to promote good bud energy to the tops.
Edit: sorry answered above lol