Weekly update pic, she’s grown a bit, leaves are a bit droopy.
Got the ph balancer today, will be trying it out real soon.
Also got a Bluelab ph pen and Truncheon.
Weekly update pic.
Moved her into the DWC, the pump isn’t working so I will have to water from the top every second day.
Get you a new pump.
@PurpNGold74 I emailed the seller asking for a new pump or a $20 refund.
Good deal. My first thought was ‘every tuesday???’ Ull need that by friday
Weekly update pic;
She’s grown a bit, had to raise the lights.
The seller is giving me the run around on the pump, I may have to take them to court.
Weekly update pic;
She’s growing fast now, topped her the other day, side branches are already forming, there are roots hanging down from the net pot, removed 2 shade leaves that had yellowed, I bought a new pump, the seller of the DWC system is giving me the run around on the refund for the faulty pump.
Hey the grow must go on right? Ull get ur funds. Sucks u had to bite the bullet and spend more. But better done before hits the fan with the plant right?
hey bud, Aussie!, you want to make sure the water level is 2.5-5 cm below the net pot, and covet the top of the pot so u can just see the stem, it will stop light getting in and causing u probs. and the water level it to avoid root rot, the big chunk of rockwool is not your friend. it needs to be dryish…… just some stuff I experienced along the way,
Thanks guys, the nute level is now where it should be, the water from the pump only wets the clay balls around the edge, it doesn’t wet the rockwool block.
Weekly update pic;
She’s grown a lot under the 2x 20W batten fix LED lights, I have just taken them out and she is now under the Phytomax 2 400.
Thanks @kettle She’s growing well now, I just added a fan blowing against her.
Following along. I’ve got an auto in DWC , a little behind you on the grow. Learning all I can! Your plant looks good.
Thanks @Southerngal I recommend you use Great White beneficial bacteria and fungi to prevent bad bacteria and promote root growth.
Thanks for the tip @FrostyBuds!
No wucking furries Southerngal.
Had to refill the reservoir as it was all the way down.
Weekly update pic;
She’s grown a fair bit in the last week, had to put another 4 liters in today, she’s drinking about 2 liters a day, she’s starting to fill out the scrog net nicely, she has shown some rust spots on a couple of leaves but overall is healthy.
Rust spots like this?
Thats a cal deficiency. Have u supplementd calmag yet?