Setup: indoor grow, 4 autos, all started in root riots. Soil is coast of Maine SB mixed with about 35% perlite and a little bit of the quoddy compost in 3 gallon fabric pots. Currently running viparspectra xs2000 at 60% 24 inches above plants. Watering habits: all water ph to 6.3-5 with an apera ph20, i have been using well water which has a ppm of 200-250, I have been spraying about 25-30 ml twice a day in a circle about 3x the plants diameter. I am about 10 days in and Two of the three in soil are beginning to brown/yellow at the tips and the one in dwc has begun slight browning as well. My thoughts are either the soil is too hot or somehow my ph is going out of whack. My concern is how early these signs are showing and how badly will they be stunted. What I am looking to find out is if I should switch to distilled water, flush, repot, etc or just do nothing. Sorry for the lengthy text but wanted to include as much info as possible, thank you for taking the time to read and help!
I wouldn’t worry about it if you haven’t been feeding nutes. They look fine.
You might want to bring your light closer. Your seedlings are stretching for the light.
Thank you I will keep an eye on it, most of the stretch happened in the first couple days before I adjusted the lights, I was surprised how much light they were demanding
I think you’re putting too much Thought into it I started these plants November 1 and also I’m doing is watering them I haven’t put no fertilizer in at all yet these are female plants Bruce Banna
Seedlings dont need much, just water when soil is dry and lights should be close to avoid stretch. I dont even ph my water at that stage and mine turn out fine. My tap water is abouy 7.5.
All I have been doing is adding water that has been properly phd, unless my new meter is wrong after calibrating, no nutrients have been added whatsoever