Need some help here- I know it could be water, heat, etc. Hopefully someone can look at pictures and know right away: I have seedlings that I’m just testing on my new LED king grow light before I start my new crop that I will eventually move outside in May. Two seedlings, sprouted in water/dark then transplanted. Room temp is 72 humidity 60.
One seedling hasn’t grown basically at all, the other has browning leaves. Moved light up a bit (about 30” per recommendation)
I THINK I may have over watered a bit but was hoping with the pods they’d still get enough air to roots. I also used the ilgm fertilizer (seedling) per mixing recommendations so I could have excess nutrients.
This is after about 3.5 weeks of grow. It is in a 3x6’ closet. This set up worked great with my first plants- all 5 survived and yielded wonderfully. Only thing different here is the light. My first grow I used a cfl. I have since gone to strictly water, raised the light a bit (has been on a 18hr cycle) and lowered watering regularity.
Any thoughts? Thanks all!! !
There are tons of different ways people propagate sees and germinate them. Tons of different
ways people treat seedlings and what is done in their first hours of survival. I’m not here to
say what you’re doing is wrong, suggesting I know better than you in any fashion nor am I
going to criticize your techniques. I’ll just tell you what I would do in your situation.
I would cover both seedlings in a clear plastic cup and spray the inside with water every few
hours. lower the light a LOT. (16-20 inches above the seedling max) and keep going.
That light looks extremely dim, BUT at this stage they don’t need much light, I never had an
issue like this so I could be completely wrong, and you can tell me to F-off or go get bent,
you’d be absolutely justified.
I really appreciate any feedback!!! I actually thought it was light burn thats why it was higher. I flushed the fertilizer too and that seems to be helping.
I am no master gardener by no means. Looks like they are getting dried out. Early in they need humidity. Put a small humidity dome on them, in there am spray the dome, at if dome looks dried up sray it usually twice a day. Other thing bring the lights down on them. Also that early on no nutrients. If soil based medium with composts, they will start out a little slow. Also dont over water on seedlings light spray at the base. I ran i to somethi g very similar to much nutrients and not enough humidity. Just my 2 cents worth and 2 G13s from I49 down the tube. 
Thank you
will do all of that !! Led is new to me so I was being cautious