Hello - I’m a brand new grower. I started out my Girl Scout Extreme Autoflowers in a grow tent. I didn’t expect them to get as big as they did and didn’t understand how/when to trim so ultimately had to move them outside in our box garden. They seem happy outside but they have looked essentially the same for the past couple of weeks.
Hoping to get some feedback on where I am at in the flowering stages and how long it might be till harvest time?
Looking great! They mightve stunted from moving indoor to out, but give em time to harden up and youll get a great harvest. Im guessing week 2 maybe 3? As far as harvest it could be 6 to 8 weeks
I would be one Happy Camper with those plants.
They look great 
Thank you. So maybe two to three weeks to reach their full bloom? Inside they had a very controlled and happy life. Outside in northern Minnesota and the temps have been cool and the sun doesn’t shine nearly as much as it did in the tent.
Once ahe recovers from the environment shock, she will resume her business as usual. Watch the next few weeks and see the magic unfold
I agree most likely week 3. Starting to see a little bulking.
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For auto’s look up low stress training. It’s the best thing for them.
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it will probably be another month+ before they reach a decent point as far as buds go i do believe.
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Growmies have you covered, welcome to the Forum @HappyCaamper great place full of great Growmies
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