Blueberry Auto still going, and I'm still mostly lost and confused

Hi folks: this little dude is about 4 weeks (maybe five) from sprouting. Managed a transplant without killing it. Ive learned next time big pot to start.

Hoping to get a little guidance. Attached are two photos. One is a closeup of the tip top of the plant. Am I correct in thinking this is a calyx?

Other photo shows a little bit more of the plant. It appears there are some other calyxes (Calyxii?) starting. Am I suffering from wishful thinking or am I in the ballpark?

One more question, I just noticed there is a bit of yellowing on some of the tips of some of the leaves? Im clearly doing something wrong, but no idea.

Thanks for any help. It is slow learning overhear, but fun.


The white hairs are pistils. That is your bud building! The white hairs will turn red/amber and more white hairs or pistils will emerge. When about 90% of the white hairs have turned red and started receeding into the bud is when you want to start checking trichomes.


Well that is exciting news. Thanks for the info.


Looks like a touch of nute burn. What medium are you growing in and what’s the runoff numbers looking like?

Well. I don’t know!

I’m in organic potting soil. Doesn’t have any fertilizer in it.

I had been using the fertilizer that is offered for sale in this website. Maybe I overdid it. I’ll cut back.

Don’t have a ph tester. Guess I better get one.


Ya you’ll need a good ph pen, like Apera or Blue Labs. Also get a cheap EC pen off Amazon to check your runoff numbers. If it’s really high (over I’d say 1000ppm), then lay off the nutrients until the runoff numbers come down. Feed them when you hit around 1000 ppm. PH for the water going in should be in the range of 6.0-7.0, I usually go for 6.5 going in. I will also add than alot of nutrients that are prone to salt build up will require a flush. I’d say you’re too early for that, but keep it in mind.